Just got my halotestin! Low dose 10mg ed


New member
Just got my halo today. I'm going to run it at 10mg ed 5mg every 9 hours. Also running test e 250mg ew and masteron 100mg ed. I might bump the halo to 20mg if I dont notice any strength gains from 10mg. If you're wondering why masteron prop ed it's all I have and I'm trying to lean out.
Halotestin is overkill for leaning down. It's mostly used by powerlifters for strength and bodybuilders pre-contest to dry out a bit extra and maintain intensity.

You are low dosing though, so you might be alright. It is known to be quite liver toxic though. You should run it with 500 mg of TUDCA. This will protect the liver and keep AST/ALR lower.
I'm actually going to be running 15mg ed taken 3 times a day for 4-6 weeks since the half life is 9.5 hours and I have nac on hand and I sauna for 20-30 minutes daily so I should be fine.
no just getting a little extra strength that's why I'm running a low dose. For a meet I'd probably just pop 40mg right before.
After taking it for one day my arms feel stronger in fact everything feels stronger lol. It's gotta be legit.
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Just be careful. You should be okay. Next time, get some TUDCA for harsh orals like halo. It's incredible. NAC isn't too bad but it's mechanism of action is nowhere near as useful as TUDCA. Good luck!
It's absolutely and amazing compounds for pre workout, but the magic is you have to be consistent with it, stay on a strict schedule and regimen... the real magic begins around 20-30.... if you need any more than that then I will truly question the quality... this is one of those compounds that's truly misunderstood.... it's definitely something not for the weak, but it's also a compound that is very underrated and it serves multiple purposes...

I used only 10mgs with my MT1, and it helped me blast through any state of being where I was feeling lethargic...MT1 20MGS, HALO 10MGS... it was an absolute great time, my liver functions checked out just fine
Infrared sauna for liver health. Read up on it. Some good info. Liver health is not all what we put into our body, but how we treat it as a whole.
I was thinking about grabbing some m1t next month might give it a try. Is it any good for strength or do you just think it was the halo? Also were you running test and deca with it?
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wouldnt that be overkill if the half life is 9.5 hours? So if I pop 5mg pre workout I should be in hulkmode without wasting. It's not like a have a meet day or anything what's the rush?