Opinions on my next cycle


New member
Just wanting all of your opinions on my next cycle I'm planning , improvements,dose adjustments or anything you would add/ remove

22 years old 200lbs 12% bf 5ft9
This will be my 6th cycle and I'm looking to start it in 6 weeks which will have been 16 weeks since my last cycle.

Week 1 - 4
Test prop 100mg eod
Masteron prop 100mg eod
Tren ace 100mg eod
Bolderdone 300mg
Dbol 50mg ed
Tamoxifen 20mg ed
Week 1 - 10
Test prop 100mg eod
Masteron prop 100mg eod
Tren ace 100mg eod
Bolderdone 300mg a week
Tamoxifen 20mg ed
Week 10 - 11
Test prop 100mg eod
Masteron prop 50mg eod
Tren ace 50mg eod
Tamoxifen 20mg ed
Week 12
Test prop 100mg , 75mg , 50mg
Hcg 500iu eod

Week 1
Hcg 500iu eod
Clomid 40mg
Week 2-4
Clomid 20mg
Proviorn 10mg

Any help will be appreciated
horrible cycle idea.
First off your too young at 21 to do steroids, but since this is your 6th cycle that is water under the bridge.
Second those are alot of compounds and your going to have issues.
22 and 6th cycle.. jesus..

well, you'll be on trt soon enough brother.. but youre already neck deep in this..

could you give me a complete cycle history please? include dosages
22 and 6th cycle.. jesus..

well, you'll be on trt soon enough brother.. but youre already neck deep in this..

could you give me a complete cycle history please? include dosages

1st was test e @500mg a week for 10 weeks
2nd was 14 weeks for a competition and was given to me by my coach
Weeks 1-6 test p 75mg , tren ace 50mg ,Masteron p 50mg 3x a week
Dbol 30mg daily
Weeks 6-14 was the same for the test,tren and Masteron with car at 50mg ed and winstrol 50mg ed
3rd was an off season bulking cycle again given to me by my coach
Week 1-4
Sust 250 2x a week
Decca 300mg a week
Week 4-8
Test e 500mg a week
Bolderdone 300mg a week
4th was the same as my 3rd minus the dbol (another comp as directed by my coach)
5th was my most recent one for 8 weeks
Weeks 1-4
Test prop 100mg eod
Npp 100mg eod
Injectable dbol 50mg eod
Weeks 5-6
Test p 100mg eod
Teen ace 100mg eod
Week 7
Test p 100mg eod
Week 8
Test p 100mg , 50 mg , 50mg
Hcg 500iu eod

What would you change about my proposed cycle then?
You asked what would we change? The board has a general consensus going that cycles:

1. should include an AI
2. should include HCG throughout the cycle and in the gap up to PCT
3. That PCT should have nolva and clomid in it - and really nothing else.

So you are breaking all of those rules of thumb.

1. No AI, though you do have tamox during your cycle. The first few weeks you are doing 350 mg Test/wk, plus 300 boldenone, plus 350 dbol/wk. That's an aromatizing load equivalent to about 850 mg/wk testosterone. If you don't take an AI with that type load you are asking for trouble. Tamox might keep gyno at bay but estrogen has a bunch of other nasty effects.

2. HCG - you start taking 500 EOD in week #12, don't define the gap to PCT, then take it for week #1 of PCT. The idea of HCG is to keep your balls idling along during the cycle, so you should take it from day 1. Doing your plan is better than nothing, but not as good as taking it the whole way then dropping it a few days before starting PCT.

3. PCT - you've only got clomid in it. Should have both clomid and nolvadex, and should not have HCG or proviron in it. So you are taking 300 boldenone /wk up to week #10 and the rest are really short esters. Have you though about how long that boldenone will be hanging around in your bloodstream, and how long you should wait after last shot until you start PCT? It doesn't look like it. If you start too soon, and run a short PCT like the four weeks you have listed, you might come out on the other end still suppressed, meaning your PCT would have failed and you'll be all jacked up.

So I hope that's clear, the plan looks pretty poor when you break it down into elements. It could be fixed pretty easily, but then there's the issue of your age. You are majorly screwing around with your hormones at too young of an age, and if you do the cycle you listed you'll have your estrogen sky high alongside Tren and possibly suffer a failed PCT. That's a recipe for lifelong problems that you really don't want to mess with.
This has to be the worst cycle I've seen so far on these boards. Congrats for that.
But with 6 cycles at 22 it wont matter much so...can you at least pin ED using acetate and prop ?

You'll get less side effect from tren doing ED.
But from experience...are you ready to pin minimum 2 times per day ? Because...its not THAT fun...im closing up on 300-350 pins so far and i'm on week 10...
What would we change, wow, and its your sixth cycle, so you should be an advance user by now and have enough sense to use an Ai during a cycle, and also have enough sense to use NOLVADEX along with your clomid for pct, and also know when and how to use HCG during your cycle.
I feel at times like the grim reeper waiting for users like you as you must be well on your road to TRT.
Please share your latest bloodworks so we can see what your LH, FSH, FTest, TTest, E2, etc. levels are.
What worries me about members like op is that he is going around the gym strutting water weight and dolling out advice to younger and less experiences bodybuilders (and fucking them up for life on TRT) who actually look up to him because hes full of water and its his 6th cycle so hes an advance user.
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5'9" at 200 lbs with 12% ? You've used a lot of gear sounds like.....from your posts. As stated above by bros that have been in this game since you were in elementary school......ya need to better protect yourself. Read up and either stop aas for now or at least do them a little safer. Good luck young bro.
What worries me about members like op is that he is going around the gym strutting water weight and dolling out advice to younger and less experiences bodybuilders (and fucking them up for life on TRT) who actually look up to him because hes full of water and its his 6th cycle so hes an advance user.

5'9" at 200 lbs with 12% ? You've used a lot of gear sounds like.....from your posts. As stated above by bros that have been in this game since you were in elementary school......ya need to better protect yourself. Read up and either stop aas for now or at least do them a little safer. Good luck young bro.

These two and more... What a cluster fvck.

OP since you've done 5-6 cycles most all this crap is moot. But it would be good for you to back off for a year at least to see if you have not fvcked yourself. BUT even then some problems may still come up in a few years.
You want a lil more respect even though you've discredited yourself as to knowing what you are doing and have done put up a pic so we see if you're holding water.

Where has your Ai been as was asked.?

Good luck with your future , I mean that. :insane:
