Just need some basic pct info for test only cycle


New member
Hello, I have read alot about pct but cant get a clear answer for what I should do. I am currently coming to an end of a 16 week test cyp cycle. I have been taking 750 mg a week. Its week 13 now. I have been taking .5 mg anastrozole every other day. About 25 1mg tabs left of anastrozole. I have 2 5000 iu kits of hcg (10,000) total. 30 tabs of 20mg nolva. And 30 tabs of 50mg clomid. So if someone can help me with how I should take this and when thatd be a great help. Im mainly concerned with when to use the hcg . Thanks guys!
Anyone please? Its kind of urgent, and to make things more clear. Ive had no problem finding ways to use hcg throughout cycle, which I did not so I cant use that info. And Ive found plenty of info on how to use nolva/clomid for pct. But not in conjunction with an end of cycle hcg blast, the timing of when to blast hcg and when to start and stop nolva/clomid in relation to when the test cycle ends. Even if you dont know, can you show me a link of where to find this info? thanks!
1000mcg 3 times a week for 2 weeks then when ester is cleared 50mg of Clomid and 20mg of Nolva for 4 weeks.
1000mcg 3 times a week for 2 weeks then when ester is cleared 50mg of Clomid and 20mg of Nolva for 4 weeks.

500IU Mon/Wed/Fri for the 3 weeks (4 would be better, the point is to get your testicles up and running by PCT to speed up recovery) leading into PCT (Nolva/Clomid). With Test Cypionate, you want to start PCT 14 days after the last injection. Run the Clomid @ 50mg for 30 days and the Nolva 20mg @ 30 days. Get bloodwork done no earlier than a month after finishing up the Nolva/Clomid to check everything is running smoothly. You want to test for Total Test, Free Test, Estradiol and LH/FSH.

For future reference, have all your bases covered before you start. thats rule number 1

Yes always.
2 weeks after last pin run your hcg 2500iu first injection then 1500iu every shot after that.Then run novla - 40/40/20/20 then clomid - 100/50/50/50..

This is how I've always run my pct and never had an issue though some people run theres different just find what works for you.
its good you still have everything and won't be chasing anything 3 weeks before you cycle ends, but next time just make sure you do some research before you start pinning :)

2 weeks after last pin run your hcg 2500iu first injection then 1500iu every shot after that.Then run novla - 40/40/20/20 then clomid - 100/50/50/50..

This is how I've always run my pct and never had an issue though some people run theres different just find what works for you.
its good you still have everything and won't be chasing anything 3 weeks before you cycle ends, but next time just make sure you do some research before you start pinning :)


No, the point of hCG is to keep your testicles functioning and/or get them to full size and running so that when you start PCT you don't have to wait for natural LH/FSH to stimulate your now atrophied testicles. Running hCG 2 weeks when you should be running a SERM will still keep you shutdown and hCG is supressive to the HPTA.