Just need some tips


New member
Hi boys and girls, very new to this site, I'm planning on doing a cycle in the future, but, I'm still doing a lot of research before I even think about doing anything. Yes, my first cycle will be a Test only followed by post cycle therapy (pct). I am already aware what to take. Now, here's my question, I'm a bit confused, the say the test comes from an Indian company and it is Test-250 3x2ml vials and you get 3 bottles of 2ml test in them. Here's where I'm confused, so in each 2ml there is 250mg of Test, or do I got it all backwards? So the box then would have a total of 750 mg of test in it, as there are 3 bottles. This is why im asking cause before I do this I need info. Also, 1000Mg equals 1Ml and ibd read some threads saying that 250mg equals 1ml, sorry, I know math wasnt my best subject but still.. and I'm planning on running a safe test cycle of 250mg a week. So, can someone explain this to me. Thank you. A

Also, what kind of need would I use? 1CC short pin or a 19-22 Gage long pin and how much ML do I draw out?
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Almost all vials show the mg per ml. For example if the vial says 1ml/250mg and you fill your syringe to the 1 mark you will get 250 mg of test. If you wanted 500 mg of test you would fill your syringe to the 2ml mark. It is very odd that your test is 250mg/2ml. You should post a pic of your label so you can do it right and people can help you. Also you need to do a lot more research. Why are you doing 250mg once a week? What kind of test is it? How many week cycle are you doing. Also, find the company of your test and google them. Make sure they are legit. Please be careful!

That's the one I'm referring too, click on the site and go to images. Test E . Also, so 1Ml would give me 250mg out of this bottle correct? Yes, I'm doing a lot of research before I even think about injecting anything in me.
Or you can try this one.


It has 250mg/Ml. So yes, 1Ml would equal to 250Mg on a needle. Has anyone tried these before? I'm not trying to sell the product, it just has a better pic on there. And no I haven't bought it yet myself.
so if one vile has 2ml and you want to take 250mg a week, it will last you 2 weeks. I have never seen one like this. They usually have 10ml in the vile. Try and find a better source than online.