New member
Hi boys and girls, very new to this site, I'm planning on doing a cycle in the future, but, I'm still doing a lot of research before I even think about doing anything. Yes, my first cycle will be a Test only followed by post cycle therapy (pct). I am already aware what to take. Now, here's my question, I'm a bit confused, the say the test comes from an Indian company and it is Test-250 3x2ml vials and you get 3 bottles of 2ml test in them. Here's where I'm confused, so in each 2ml there is 250mg of Test, or do I got it all backwards? So the box then would have a total of 750 mg of test in it, as there are 3 bottles. This is why im asking cause before I do this I need info. Also, 1000Mg equals 1Ml and ibd read some threads saying that 250mg equals 1ml, sorry, I know math wasnt my best subject but still.. and I'm planning on running a safe test cycle of 250mg a week. So, can someone explain this to me. Thank you. A
Also, what kind of need would I use? 1CC short pin or a 19-22 Gage long pin and how much ML do I draw out?
Also, what kind of need would I use? 1CC short pin or a 19-22 Gage long pin and how much ML do I draw out?
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