Just ordered some super high calorie weight gainers...


New member
I just had the owner of my gym order me a jug of weight gainer from 3 different companies.

one has 5,000 calories per serving
one has 3,000 calories per serving
one has 1,200 calories per serving (ABB XXL)

Im going to start a jug and not start another until i finish it, to get a good feel for how my body responds to each brand. I also figure id start with the ABB XXL since it has the lowest calorie amount.

Also, for the 5,000 and 3,000 calorie products, i am going to split the servings in half and take them twice daily.

Now, my question is, when should I take them? I was thinking take a 1/2 serving in the morning, and then a 1/2 serving post workout.....sound good?
That sounds like a good schedule, some people do not agree but I believe that timing is important and the schedule you mentioned sounds ideal to me. Remember to lift heavy as well and make squats and deads the foundation of your bulkbuilding workouts.
oh yea, no doubt.

Just so you guys can make a more accurate and educated desicion on your advice, heres how the rest of my diet and workout will look.

Meal 1: 1/2 a Weight gainer shake
Meal 2: Chicken Salad or Turkey sandwhich on wheat w/ 1.5-2 cups cottage cheese w/ pineapple and 2-3 cups milk
Meal 3: PREWORKOUT - Chicken, Rice, Sweet potatoes, baked cinnamon apples
20-30 minutes Preworkout: American Stamina and 1-2 tbsp honey
Meal 4: POST WORKOUT - 1/2 serving weight gainer shake
Meal 5: Varies, but high protein, little or no carbs, low fat as well.
Meal 6: Varies, usually a isopure shake, or 2 cups cottage cheese.

I also snack on a Trioplex bar inbetween a meal.

All sets are 4x6.
Pull day: Deadlift, wide grip chins, barbell curl
Push: BB bench press, BB military press, weighted dips
Legs: Squats, Leg ext.

Inbetween each day 30 minutes walking on treadmill.

How does this sound?
Good luck. I firmly believe that weight gainers were a big factor in the fat I gained on my last bulk.

At least keep it all very early in the day if you're set on them though.
are those ABB XXL drinks good for you? i have been using them off and on and they taste like syrup, like the stuff that soft drinks are made from before they add the carbonated water.... i.e. all sugar. i know it lists melodextrin as one of the main ingredients, but it sure tastes damn sweat. don't want to get diabetes from drinking too many of those.... anyone have more info about those or melodextrin? thanks.
5000 cals! holy shit!!! whast the nutient protein/carb/fat/sugar in that thing like? i imagine its like 100g protein, 500g sugar 400g carbs or somethign... daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!
What is your height/weight now? Your diet meal plan looks good. Did you base that meal plan with a desired target for protein/carb/fat intake? If so what is it? Keep us informed with your results from your diet too.

Good luck!!
i don't think ur going to be able to eat after that much ... when i take a full serving of mine (1200 cals ) i feel nausiuas (can never spell that word) bloated, and cant eat anything for like 3-4 hours ...

o ... and your gonna p00p :D
The problem with the super high calorie weight gainers is that they are mostly sugar and empty calories, I still prefer to stick to a high protein source of calories when bulking, I feel that I stay leaner that way-sugar just makes you fat. Usually the serving size of these high calorie shakes is ridiculous. My bulkbuilder of choice is lots of meat, eggs and milk.
im 5'11" and ~160 right now.

And no, my diet is not geared toward a specific fat/protein/carb breakdown....i basically just eat as much as i can and really only worry about protein.

Something is definatly wrong with my diet though because my gains are not what i feel they could/should be.
Here is a suggestion...

It seems that you are eating foods with enough carbs in your pre workout meal. Do you feel that you dont have enough energy to lift heavy? If so, you might want to get some more carbs in your meals before your workout. This will make sure that you have enough energy for the workout. Also, what is your workout routine like?
What are your goals? Getting ripped? Bulking up, how much? What is your present bodyfat? All of these factors obviously will come into play on your diet.
gunghorbo....my workout is posted along with my diet above. And its not that i dont have enough energy to finish my workouts, but usually i go so heavy on my bigger movements like dealifts and bench press, that by the time it comes to do my 3rd excersize, im burnt out and can hardly lift anything, but i guess thats normal when doing 5x5 or 4x6.

Husyguy...my short term goal right now is just to bulk up...how much....i dont know, as big as i can. My present bodyfat is weird because im skinny all over, but my stomach and love handles have large amount of fat on them (from not doing cardio im guessing, but im going to start)
I recommend cutting first before you bulk, it will slow down your metabolism enough to make bulking possible. But get rid of the love handles--through heavy weight training on a fairly restricted diet, lower your carbs and eat mostly protein. Once you have gotten a bit leaner-then bulk up. Bulking takes time and you have to lift heavy and hard otherwise you will simply get fat. You need to be goal orientated as big as you can may be a long term goal but you need to have successes along the way--such as gain ten pounds of muscle--then once you achieve that go for 10 more etc.
thats great advice and all, and would probably be ok for a normal person, but for a person as naturally skinny as me, i can afford to cut....i took a week off last week and i feel like a stick figure as it is....plus summer is comming up, which means t shirts or no shirt, and id rather be a decent size and have a small gut than look like a 10 year old girl.