Just pinned 3rd injection of first ever Test E & D bol Cycle.

My mood has generally been good. I haven't suffered from any anger, aggression, depression or anything. I have noticed towards the end of the 4 weeks I got flustered quite easily and maybe a little red faced but I guess thats because of blood pressure...I know d-bol definitely raised it. Since I stopped on thursday just passed that has gone and I'm glad to say I feel well!

Are you currently on a cycle?
This is a good read I will be running almost something similar how are your dbols helping you in your first 4 weeks? Did you notice it help kick in your strength faster?
D bol definitely increased my strength yes, quite dramatically actually but the biggest thing I noticed was my weight gain...hopefully now I am off it and still running test E I will not loose it all!
Dbol weight gain is quite watery so you may find the weight seems to platuea as you come off the dbol and the test starts kicking in... Don't be fooled by that though, go by the mirror ;)
hey buddy - did Arimidex prevent bloating from Dbol? Like , if you go by the mirror, do you feel bloated (w/ a moon face or something?). I will be starting a similar cycle but I am worried about the Dbol bloat. Hence, thinking to replace it w/ another oral to kick start..
Also, do let us know whether the bloat go away after you stopped dbol? and how about your strength right now?
Run an AI with the dbol... You should be running an AI with any aromatasing compound to begin with. A lot of the negative sides come from dbols estrogen metabolite, which is quite a potent one at that. A lot of people say it's the estrogen metabolite of dbol that does most of the work and an AI will reduce it's effects on strength.

Wrong. Take a look at M1T AKA Methy1-Testosterone AKA the 5AR metabolite of Dbol.
Run an AI with the dbol... You should be running an AI with any aromatasing compound to begin with. A lot of the negative sides come from dbols estrogen metabolite, which is quite a potent one at that. A lot of people say it's the estrogen metabolite of dbol that does most of the work and an AI will reduce it's effects on strength.

Wrong. Take a look at M1T AKA Methy1-Testosterone AKA the 5AR metabolite of Dbol.

Hey staunch,
So you mean two things - an AI doesn't reduce strength on Dbol and an AI helps bloating under control on Dbol. However, isn't bloating more related to the calorific uptake as well. I mean I know it is due to aromatization, however, even if one takes an AI (may be Dbol w/ Test or may be only Test), wouldn't the bloating still happen because calories will be at least 500 above maintenance and will keep on increasing as the weight goes up?
On another note, let's say, starting weight before Dbol Test cycle, is 75 kgs. After week1, the weight is 76 kgs, week 2 the weight is 78 kgs, etc. , so, since it is advised to increase calories as the weight increases, however, this weight increase will definitely have water and fat along with muscle. So, shouldn't this weight be discounted to account for only, let's say, 1 kg of solid muscle in two weeks? Hence, the discounted weight becomes 76kgs and not 78kgs, which can then be used to calculate the amount of calories needed?
We have the same stats and running the same cycle mate! Except I'm running test e @ 300mg ew and dbol @ 20mg ed (might adjust) My first ever cycle. Totally new to AAS, trained natty for 7 years. Same AI and SERMS too! How you finding it? I think it's a winning combo, pilling on the weight and strength!
We have the same stats and running the same cycle mate! Except I'm running test e @ 300mg ew and dbol @ 20mg ed (might adjust) My first ever cycle. Totally new to AAS, trained natty for 7 years. Same AI and SERMS too! How you finding it? I think it's a winning combo, pilling on the weight and strength!

No need to up those doses... Training natty for 7 years, a 12 week cycle of 300mg Test and 20mg Dbol is plenty to grow on providing you know how to eat and train and the more of a natural base you have the better. 300mg Test+20mg Dbol ED is more than the body will ever produce naturally, it's just over 400mg per week of free hormone (test/dbol combined) and your body will produce at best ~70mg of Testosterone per week.

Good luck!
We have the exact same stats and are running the exact same cycle. My 3rd is due tomorrow. How you finding it?
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Looks good, Agree with the Above, you shouldnt be injecting 500mgs in one pin, Its understandable you want to jab yourself as least as possible but Id defiantly recommend 2 times a week at 250mgs (Monday And Thursday) :D :D
Pinning 2x weekly for enanthate/cypionate will always be superior to 1x weekly... Regardless of how you feel, it will cause a big peak compared to a little trough. I cruise on 200mg Test E per week, I still pin that shit 2x weekly.