Just started Dbol ready to stack.


New member
Age: 19
Height: 6Foot 0 Inches
Weight: 188 Pounds
Goals: 215 Pounds

Hello I'm just started my first ever cycle yesterday. Im taking oral Dbol pills. And in a week when I get paid I want to add to the stack. My goal is reach 215 pounds of lean muscle by July 1st. I will try to provide any information you guys need. Im here seeking advice on what I should stack and what I should take to I can get bigger but I dont wanna get fat. I also started my diet and go to the gym everyday and twice on the weekends. I dont mind if the muscle dont look the most lean but I dont want a fat gut with all my gains. So what should I take the dbol is supposed to last 33 days since its 3 pills a day and there 100 pills. 25mg per pill I beleive.

Thanks for the advice.
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Not this again. You only run orals alongside testosterone. If you would have looked around before posting you would know this. You are only 19 and you have no clue what you are doing. It sounds like you also started a cycle without having all of the things you needed. Again, unless you are a woman you do not start orals without test. Are you a woman? Honestly you should not even be cycling as you can get to 200 pounds without AAS, but if you insist in going against everyone's advice at least read the forum sticky's.
Not this again. You only run orals alongside testosterone. If you would have looked around before posting you would know this. You are only 19 and you have no clue what you are doing. It sounds like you also started a cycle without having all of the things you needed. Again, unless you are a woman you do not start orals without test. Are you a woman? Honestly you should not even be cycling as you can get to 200 pounds without AAS, but if you insist in going against everyone's advice at least read the forum sticky's.

I plan on poking Test I just dont get paid for another week that why and ive been taking advice from my friend however I thought Id come on one of these forums and get even more advice.
Definitely not the way to do a cycle. You broke about every rule of responsible cycling g possible. You should stop immediately and begin PCT.
Hopefully your d-Bol pills are fake.. Cause if they are real and if your taking 75 mg a day for a first cycle with no test,, prepare for a fun ride called "I just fucked myself up"--

At 19 your natural testosterone is probably in the total range of 800 maybe more.. Do you know what it is now after taking oral steroids? ZERO,, yep ZERO. Your little sister is probably producing more test then you are.

Take the next five years and do dome research and learn something before swallowing some pills you bought not knowing what the heck your doing. Stick around here and learn. Stop,taking the dbol
75mg of dbol at 19. Oh dear, why don't you guys read BEFORE you start taking stuff?

I'm not going to lecture you, but I'm going to tell you that you really need to spend the next few days reading as much as you can to understand WHY you're making a HUGE mistake. If you grow tits and your dick stops working, you can thank your buddy for his stellar advice.
Go to the top right of the page and click 'discussion forums'

Then go to the anabolic steroid section, at the top you'll find dozens of topics with beige coloured envelopes next to them, these are called 'stickies' - you need to read, read and read these, over and over again. These are the 'go to' pages for anybody new to anabolic steroids. There's a minefield of important information here which will help you understand what you've done wrong, what you should have done (WAIT 5yrs) and more importantly, how never to trust your so called friend ever again!

First things first.... stop what you are taking... IMMEDIATELY.
Then get some Clomid and Nolvadex (known as PCT - Post Cycle Therapy)
You now have to run a standard PCT protocol and keep your fingers and toes crossed that you get your own testosterone levels back to something half decent again.

Good luck OP, you're in the right place now - you just got here a bit too late! :Pat:
Coming from someone not much older the you. 21. Please please Pleaseee listen to these guys. I know the temptation and get big quick that steriods sell is tempting but you have a lot of potential to gain naturally and be 215 without hurting natural test levels. Someone tried to get me to use about a month ago and I thank my lucky stars I found this forum before doing something stupid. I had no idea what PCT and having to run test were but my "friend" sure though a tbol cycle was perfect for 15 pound. I now know if I did gain that it would be with bitch tits and a limp dick for life for 15 pounds for the 8 weeks on and nothing positive to show for after. Read up as much as possible ask diet and training questions and grow some general fitness knowledge then after you COMPLETELY understand your body your diet your training you can start to gather information on AAS. But these guys are smart and have been doing this longer then you and I have been alive. Hope you listen and I hope you can get back to a simce of normality after a huge mistake.
Age: 19
Height: 6Foot 0 Inches
Weight: 188 Pounds
Goals: 215 Pounds

Hello I'm just started my first ever cycle yesterday. Im taking oral Dbol pills. And in a week when I get paid I want to add to the stack. My goal is reach 215 pounds of lean muscle by July 1st. I will try to provide any information you guys need. Im here seeking advice on what I should stack and what I should take to I can get bigger but I dont wanna get fat. I also started my diet and go to the gym everyday and twice on the weekends. I dont mind if the muscle dont look the most lean but I dont want a fat gut with all my gains. So what should I take the dbol is supposed to last 33 days since its 3 pills a day and there 100 pills. 25mg per pill I beleive.

Thanks for the advice.

stop right away, do not take anymore. wait till age 24-25. your development is not finished till this time and using hormones can halt or mess up development of your system for life.

also oral only cycle is bad, no mention of AI's or even a PCT..
please stop now and spend a few months researching and you will see just how off you are right now.
please be safe