Just wanted to brag a little.....

Serenity Head

New member
.....For my girls!
I trained two of my stronger women clients last night and evn though they probably still think I am nuts they both got 700lbs up on the leg sled for 15 reps...;not bad. They finished up with 75 reps at 270 and 100 reps at 180. I am a real ass sometimes....:D

Anyways they kick ass...and would kick 95% of the mens asses from our gym.
Serenity Head said:
.....For my girls!
I trained two of my stronger women clients last night and evn though they probably still think I am nuts they both got 700lbs up on the leg sled for 15 reps...;not bad. They finished up with 75 reps at 270 and 100 reps at 180. I am a real ass sometimes....:D

Anyways they kick ass...and would kick 95% of the mens asses from our gym.

Holy shit!! I'm curious as to how many dudes on this board could push seven bills for 15 on the leg press. I probably could (notice I said probably), but I'd also probably throw up afterwards. That's some cool shit!!!
yea that is amazing... i notice alot of gurls can do a big leg press, must have to do with there childbearing hips/// no offence but my gurl can leg press alot for her size. makes my partner look like a runt...