Kenfury first LGD 4033/Ligandrol Log

Sunday check in. I'm 174 lbs, still lean, muscles much much fuller.
However, sex with my friend tonight was rough bc I kept getting soft :/
LGD is somewhat suppressive to your test production (not nearly as powerfully as AAS, but it still is suppressive), so you might be experiencing some issues with that. I would have a blood test done with a hormone panel to see, make sure it also has E2. You can buy the Hormone Panel for Females from Buy Lab Tests Online | Private MD Labs (depending on where you live, it might not be legal) for under $60. If you sign up for their weekly newsletter first, they will send you a code for 15% off.
tx045: Hahahahhaha. I'm almost reconsidering total shutdown for the sake of HCG if it's going to interfere with my sex life.

cybrsage: where are you getting that it's $60? The testosterone tests read 100$+
tx045: Hahahahhaha. I'm almost reconsidering total shutdown for the sake of HCG if it's going to interfere with my sex life.

I'm not sure what you mean by this, but I think it would help you out to do some reading on the hpta and hcg. Hcg will further suppress your body's lh and it isn't used in pct.
Does Lig suppress LH and FSH? I thought it only touched test. I'll be getting bloods done in a couple weeks so I can gauge my PCT
That's a bad way to go about things bro. Most sarms are easier on lh and fsh than regular aas but that's a case by case basis. I've seen sarms suppress people hardly at all and I've seen them totally crash people. Only way to tell is bloodwork. Ask anyone that's been around a while and is fairly knowledgeable, they'll tell you the same...don't start a cycle until you have everything on hand and everything planned out
Body weight back down to 168... seems that weight was most likely water due to spikes in cortisol from overdosing on ghrp6. Btw, anyone tell me long term consequences/damage I may have done to my body taking 2000 mcg ghrp6 for a week straight?
Mid cycle update.

I got my bloodwork done this week so we'll see where my T levels are next week
Decided to kick my training up a notch this week.
Monday: I was able to bench press 225 for 15 reps, squat 250 for 15 reps, weighted 45 lbs chins for 15 reps.

Yesterday did full body: bench 245 for 10 reps, squat 275 for 10 reps, chins were weak

Tomorrow I plan on doing another full body workout and try and hit heavier weight for at least 6 reps

Physique wise, I'm still floating around 170 lbs. Cut oatmeal and sugar free syrup out of my diet and I dropped a ton of water weight. Quad separation looking as good as when I was pre-contest. I still feel like I look the same, but I'll post pics tomorrow before I go train.
Closing thoughts on LGD:
- Shoulda had SERMS on hand (I was planning on running my T to the ground in the first place and grabbing HCG; realized that was a dumb idea for a million reasons)
- Glad I ran the log solo, so I have an understanding of how much shutdown occurs (dropping into a clinically deficient range)
- Didn't do much: I look fuller and had a little more motivation to train, but not much else
==> I also only ran it for four weeks
- gained some separation in quads, but I'm thinking that's due to me training my legs more frequent throughout the week now versus me training legs once a week before

I'll probably start up again in December when my HPTA fully recovers, right now running PCT. Thanks for following guys.
Thanks for the log! Yes, the certainly proves it has to be run with test, thanks for proving this for us. :)