Mid cycle update.
I got my bloodwork done this week so we'll see where my T levels are next week
Decided to kick my training up a notch this week.
Monday: I was able to bench press 225 for 15 reps, squat 250 for 15 reps, weighted 45 lbs chins for 15 reps.
Yesterday did full body: bench 245 for 10 reps, squat 275 for 10 reps, chins were weak
Tomorrow I plan on doing another full body workout and try and hit heavier weight for at least 6 reps
Physique wise, I'm still floating around 170 lbs. Cut oatmeal and sugar free syrup out of my diet and I dropped a ton of water weight. Quad separation looking as good as when I was pre-contest. I still feel like I look the same, but I'll post pics tomorrow before I go train.