Ken's first Test Cycle - few questions


New member
Hey guys,
I'm currently 6 weeks into my first test cycle. I'm currently injecting 1/2 CC Monday and Thursday, (so 1 CC per week). Not using any AI's since I didn't think I'd need it since I'm around 10% BF.

Bloodwork came in the other day and here's what my readings are (taken on a Monday before my shot):
Hematocrit: 52.8
Total T: >1500
E2: 63

Should I start implementing AI? And what dosage? I am having ED issues - erections are hit or miss. Sometimes rock solid, other times, good luck staying full and pumped. How are my readings so high for only 1 CC? Is this because it's my body's first time reacting to it?
Should I also consider donating my blood soon? I may up my dosage to 1.25-1.5 CC
Other than that, I'm only slightly elevating my food intake and strength is steadily going up. Which, I think I'm on the right track.

Note: 1CC test = 250mg
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The reference range of e2 on my blood work would say your high. More than likely you need to start your AI. Most people start from the beginning of a cycle and adjust with blood work. What AI do you have? How would you dose?

A side note, 1cc does not tell us how much test you are running. The mg concentration of your gear is your dose.
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Yeah I realized that after posting. Edited the OP.
1 CC is 250mg for me

And yeah the ref range for e2 for me is 21-45 pg. I only have 5mg of Adex laying around but I have no idea how to dose it. (Didn't think I'd need it).

My pre bloodwork cholesterol was HDL 60 and LDL 100. I'm scared of tanking my HDL with the Adex, which is why I was running a light dose.
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More frequent injections on a longer ester though?
Edit: Low on the test dose because I wasn't wanting to run an AI. I also wasn't sure how sensitive my body was to test.

But seeing my hematocrit jump 3% and e2 levels double... kind of justifies my desire for a low dose anyway.