Hey guys,
I'm currently 6 weeks into my first test cycle. I'm currently injecting 1/2 CC Monday and Thursday, (so 1 CC per week). Not using any AI's since I didn't think I'd need it since I'm around 10% BF.
Bloodwork came in the other day and here's what my readings are (taken on a Monday before my shot):
Hematocrit: 52.8
Total T: >1500
E2: 63
Should I start implementing AI? And what dosage? I am having ED issues - erections are hit or miss. Sometimes rock solid, other times, good luck staying full and pumped. How are my readings so high for only 1 CC? Is this because it's my body's first time reacting to it?
Should I also consider donating my blood soon? I may up my dosage to 1.25-1.5 CC
Other than that, I'm only slightly elevating my food intake and strength is steadily going up. Which, I think I'm on the right track.
Note: 1CC test = 250mg
I'm currently 6 weeks into my first test cycle. I'm currently injecting 1/2 CC Monday and Thursday, (so 1 CC per week). Not using any AI's since I didn't think I'd need it since I'm around 10% BF.
Bloodwork came in the other day and here's what my readings are (taken on a Monday before my shot):
Hematocrit: 52.8
Total T: >1500
E2: 63
Should I start implementing AI? And what dosage? I am having ED issues - erections are hit or miss. Sometimes rock solid, other times, good luck staying full and pumped. How are my readings so high for only 1 CC? Is this because it's my body's first time reacting to it?
Should I also consider donating my blood soon? I may up my dosage to 1.25-1.5 CC
Other than that, I'm only slightly elevating my food intake and strength is steadily going up. Which, I think I'm on the right track.
Note: 1CC test = 250mg
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