keto questions?????????????????


New member
Started albuterol @ 12mg divided evenly throughout the day along with keto @ .5mg nightly. The last few days I upped the keto to 1mg and it has made me a raging cookie monster the next day. I wan't to eat everything.

My question is...would .5mg be sufficient to clean receptors and still see beneficial effects of keto or do I need to keep it at 1mg?

Thanks on a tuesday
I would rec having a handfull of nuts when you wake up along with a protein drink and wait 20min , you should feel ok then.

you could try 0.5mg but after a few days to a week i would check your temp to make sure its slightly elivated, if not you may need the full 1mg dose.
personally I think 0.5g can work out, but people differ so i would double check as you test these waters
Clen had me tweaked and very shaky. Albut seems cleaner and seems to agree w me much better so far

Clen makes me a little shaky everytime, I've had asthma since I was 5 I've done my fair share of trail and error with both products, of fat loss is what your after clen is the way to go, 100mcg ed run for 30 days with 1mg keto I've never had any issue besides elevated temp(which is a side effect you want) and shaking which is a standard clen side effect NBD IMO
Clen had me tweaked and very shaky. Albut seems cleaner and seems to agree w me much better so far

I agree. I dont even use clen anymore. I strictly stick with albuterol.
I really think you need to keep the keto at 1mg to effectively keep b2 receptors responsive to the albut.
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