Igf1 LR3 : Questions about mixing, usage


I torn it in January 2015. I didn't know it was a tear. My knee felt weird. like it wasn't properly attaching femur and tibia. Had an MRI and there was a fluid build up. Once that dropped it was painful to the point I wasn't able to do leg day. Things got a little better by June. Then it got worse with one bad event (Me carrying a kid on the train with nothing to balance myself but my legs). Pain came back and has been back ever since.

I tried some joint support supplements but nothing worked. Knee is still feeling fine. I have my leg workout in a couple hours so I'll see how I feel after that.

I should also mention that getting into the cross-legged position when sitting on the floor was a bit of a pain but now not an issue. 2 weeks ago on SR9009 the pain went up.

I wish I knew why or how LR3 is helping (If it is). I was told it would never repair itself. Still, why no pain like before?

I torn it in January 2015. I didn't know it was a tear. My knee felt weird. like it wasn't properly attaching femur and tibia. Had an MRI and there was a fluid build up. Once that dropped it was painful to the point I wasn't able to do leg day. Things got a little better by June. Then it got worse with one bad event (Me carrying a kid on the train with nothing to balance myself but my legs). Pain came back and has been back ever since.

I tried some joint support supplements but nothing worked. Knee is still feeling fine. I have my leg workout in a couple hours so I'll see how I feel after that.

I should also mention that getting into the cross-legged position when sitting on the floor was a bit of a pain but now not an issue. 2 weeks ago on SR9009 the pain went up.

I wish I knew why or how LR3 is helping (If it is). I was told it would never repair itself. Still, why no pain like before?

This is really interesting. Can u keep us updated on the knee please?
@jimi Of course.

I'm going to try and be a little detailed here with the knee.

First exercise was leg press. I'm still not comfortable doing squats as that's what cause all the problems. I usually do 1 legged presses. Today I did heavy and deep ROM leg presses (Incline). I was very surprised as to how much my ROM has increased. There was no pain at any time.

During leg extensions and curls there's usually a pinch/pain in on the inner portion of my left knee. There wasn't any pain just an 'odd' feeling. That odd feeling wasn't bad. Maybe it was because I'm not used to being able to fully extend my legs without some kind of pain.

During lying leg curls, between sets, I used my right leg to pull my left leg as close to my body as possible (Beyond what I could do as far as naturally bending it) and when I did this, that pinching pain returned. So, the meniscus disc is most definitely not healed but I can say that some healing has taken place OR something else has happened to help increase the ROM. When I sit, I still can't sit on my knees, I have to sit with my legs crossed.

During calf raises I usually do seated then body weight standing raises. I decided to do add some weight to the standing raises and to my surprise there was no pain. Usually there is within the first few reps but not this time. I didn't put a lot of weight on it and still had to go high rep/low rest but it was a much better training session for calves than I would have normally had.

Post training I hoped on the cardio machine. Getting through 40 minutes sucks. I could feel a tightness in my knee and thought maybe I pushed myself too far testing this out and that I would pay for it the next day. Walked around all day with a heavy gym bag etc with this tightness. However, here I am the next day and I feel fine. There's no pain except the DOMS in my glutes and calves.

So, is this the LR3 doing something to help with healing? Is it perhaps the red zone of the meniscus disk healing? Or is it something else? Only time will tell I suppose. But that's it as far as knee updates this week and LR3.

I'll say this again, I understand 'muscle fullness' a lot better now.
OK, so I'm no longer in keto. I'm feeling much much fuller with carbs. I'm afraid to weigh myself now.

Still, the feeling of the LR3 is nice. I'm nearing the end of my 40 days. I wish I could just stay on. BUT when I come off I'll see how much fullness goes away and I'll be able to better understand how this pep works for me. I'll be ordering more though, I'm sure. Curious as to DES though.

I'll update in the days and weeks after my last injection.
Heard the tb-500 would help with healing using Tb-500 in conjunction with either HGH (or a GHR like Ipamorelin,which is a cheaper option) for muscle injuries,or BPC 157 for tendon injuries.