Ketone/Glucose Sticks...A Question


New member
I have the sticks that measure both levels. On the ketone level, there are differing colors, that represent differing levels of active Ketones(I guess). It reads from light brown-dark brown. Light brown being negative, and the darkest shade of brown being "Large". It is measured in mg/dl(whatever that means). "Trace" amounts of Ketones would be 5mgs/dl. "Small" amounts would be 15mgs/dl. "Moderate" amounts is 40mgs/dl. And "LARGE" amounts would range anywhere from 80-160mgs/dl. My questions is: What range do I want to fall in? I wasn't expecting to have to fall into a range. I just figured I was either in Ketosis or I wasn't, ya know?!:D:D

Right now I am measuring out at 15mgs/dl, which according to the stick reresents only "moderate" levels of Ketones. I am drinking a TON of water, and have been low-carbing for 6 days now, so there is NO WAY that I am NOT in Ketosis. I just kindof expected to be in the "large" range I guess. I read that drinking tons of H2O will give a false reading with this test, so maybe that's why. Any theories, explainations, or suggestions? Thanks
You're just about there, bro. If I'm not mistaken, I believe Dan Duchaine in "Body Opus" said that carb replenishment begins at about 20-25 mg/dl of blood. But also keep in mind that a lot of info has come to light that was not around when he wrote that, so.... How many days has it been since you last carbed-up? Also, have you or are you doing a final glycogen depletion workout with this diet? If you are, and you haven't done it yet, then do it and then pig out. If not, and you feel you can go one more day, then wait the one day and then pig out. Either way, I see a lot of food in your immediate future!
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STANG 98 said:
You're just about there, bro. If I'm not mistaken, I believe Dan Duchaine in "Body Opus" said that carb replenishment begins at about 20-25 mg/dl of blood. But also keep in mind that a lot of info has come to light that was not around when he wrote that, so.... How many days has it been since you last carbed-up? Also, have you or are you doing a final glycogen depletion workout with this diet? If you are, and you haven't done it yet, then do it and then pig out. If not, and you feel you can go one more day, then wait the one day and then pig out. Either way, I see a lot of food in your immediate future!

Well I just began the diet like 6 days ago bro. I wanted to go a week & 1/2 w/o carbing up though, so I really had not planned on doing as much until next Saturday. I'm not sure what you mean by "carb-replenishment" though. I'm talking about ketosis levels. I figured that the higher the levels as far as ketones in mgs/dl, the less carbs involved in my system. Carb-replenishment wouldn't begin until the Ketone levels were small-negative, right? Bro, I have no clue what Im talking about, but on this Keto-Diastix(made by Bayer), the darker the color, the higher the amount of ketones active in your system per mgs/dl. So if we use the 20-25mgs/dl that you mentioned(again, according to the stix chart) I should be somewhere between small & moderate amounts of Ketones. FUCK bro, this chart has me all fucked up. There's no way I can NOT be in Ketosis though imo. Although according to this fucked up chart, I am only experiencing a small amount of it. Who knows?!?!
No, you got it right, bro. At that amount, you're in moderate ketosis, which is fine for starting your carb-up (replenishment). IMO, 1 1/2 weeks is too long to go without carbing up, unless you're a dude with someone like House's build. Larger individuals don't need to replenish carbs as often as smaller ones. Every seven days, max, would be great (if you're comfortable with going that long). Also, you may want to hit up Kakdeisel w/ a PM. He wrote a great article on the CKD. Great read. Good luck, man.
STANG 98 said:
No, you got it right, bro. At that amount, you're in moderate ketosis, which is fine for starting your carb-up (replenishment). IMO, 1 1/2 weeks is too long to go without carbing up, unless you're a dude with someone like House's build. Larger individuals don't need to replenish carbs as often as smaller ones. Every seven days, max, would be great (if you're comfortable with going that long). Also, you may want to hit up Kakdeisel w/ a PM. He wrote a great article on the CKD. Great read. Good luck, man.

I guess what I would like to know is: during the week, at what level of Ketosis should I expect to be in...during LOW-Carb days I mean? Am I ok as far as that goes(with "moderate" levels), or should the amounts be higher? Again, I did read that drinking alot of water will render false-positives, as far as the levels go, as it lowers the PH balance in the urine. So if I should be higher, could that be a rerason that the stix aren't reading as such? Thanks bro. I'm not that big(like 5'9"-200lbs.-10% BF), but I would like to get down to around 190-192. That would put me at around 7-8%, which is where I would rather be.
SkedMedz said:
I guess what I would like to know is: during the week, at what level of Ketosis should I expect to be in...during LOW-Carb days I mean? Am I ok as far as that goes(with "moderate" levels), or should the amounts be higher? Again, I did read that drinking alot of water will render false-positives, as far as the levels go, as it lowers the PH balance in the urine. So if I should be higher, could that be a rerason that the stix aren't reading as such? Thanks bro. I'm not that big(like 5'9"-200lbs.-10% BF), but I would like to get down to around 190-192. That would put me at around 7-8%, which is where I would rather be.

If you're in full "moderate" ketosis, you're fine for carbing-up. Especially at your body composition. Don't kill yourself trying to go higher than that. A)you don't have to and B)even worse, it could be counter-productive.
Lots of water can give you false readings,because your piss is very dilluted.Are you pissing on the strips first thing in the morning before you drink anything?