Know your boiling point...


New member
We all know "Roid Rage" is a myth but simply AAS enhancing who or exacerbating who we are, asshole on gear s a bigger asshole. ( See avi )

Mitch Abrahms Psy.D. works with professional athletes AND Death Row inmates was interviewed and I ll summarize what his finding are and some way s to gain control over our tempers.

I ll start with a hypothetical timeline that could be any one us.

1- Ur unaware your irritated. You wake with a headache or the beginning stages of a cold or the flu. This starts your day off in a negative mindset but don t even know it.
2- At breakfast ur wife nags you over a bill you ve not paid, you argue and now ur level of irritation goes up. Your annoyed.
3- Your getting steamed. As u leave u spill coffee on on your shirt. No real big deal but it seems huge and your muscles tighten. Your on edge.
4- You re overly angry- You get cut off in traffic, consider chasing the driver down. Your hot and your hearts racing.
5- You lose your shit-In an afternoon meeting your boss is critical about a job you did and instead of apologizing or letting it go, you argue. You yell.Now you --cked up, crossed the line and hurt yourself.

This guy is recognized as a leading figure working with elite athletes especially NFL and NHL types whose job if you well is to crush opponents or at least beat them by outperforming them and thus winning.

He say s - " Anger is a normal emotion. It s a core human emotion and one of the bodies natural physiological responses to danger. Dealing with it or HOW one deals with it is a choice."

Analogy--Cooking a steak. U cannot cook a steak without heat/fire. Control the heat you can make wonderful things happen. If not your going to ruin the steak. Harnessing it can lead to all kinds of things you can do with out screaming, yelling or laying out your wife in an elevator. Lose control you can lose everything.

The key to control is awareness. Once you know the changes in yourself- getting hotter, pulse rate climbs, ur hair on your arms stands up whatever, you got to dial in to this and take counter measures and everyone s different. I like to leave places where I m prone to irritation but if you can t you have to visualize and conjure up an image in your minds eye and then go there and it can be done with practice and calm yourself down.

He stresses that things like yelling into a pillow or striking a bag to fight rage REINFORCES yelling and being dependent on punching as in say a domestic the other person EASILY becomes the pillow or the punching bag.

Good stuff. I was stuck in line yesterday w my weekly 140.00 dollars worth of seafood and chicken and ggggrrrrhhhh beefalo women everywhere traveling at the speed of body odor.

Plus I was hungry. So in line I read about Jessica Alba and looked at her sheer perfection and her resemblance to a girl FRIEND I have been training for a show is uncanny. I got home w-o incident and tossed off .

All good.

Life s great.
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Good read. Did that chicken and fish make it in time to the fridge without going bad? Hope so.

I work in the food industry and I really REALLY have to think twice about things before I do them in regards to customers. I barely get pissed off anyway honestly. If there's a problem I smile kindly and handle it properly. I got to my position while on AAS and yes I've lost my temper a few times but I do this thing where I pace around for a minute or two and think thingss over because I realize I'm pissed. What does piss me off is people thinking I'm better than them by the way I carry myself.
We work out, we look good in our dress clothes, so I wear mine nice and fitted and those deadlifts got me good posture making me walk chest out and proud. Someone called me a "smug duschebag" the other day after handling a problem at their table: mind you I apologized and took all the right steps one would. But the punk didn't even look up at me while I talked to him and the ladies he was with were very pleased with how i resolved the problem. But just because I look a certain way, he called me smug. He wrote to the boss about me saying I embarrassed him. Now THAT pissed me off. I got so heated and started to look him up on social media and stuff to get a good look at this guy, but I sat down and said "it's the Tren bro"
Great tips!

As someone that has to put on a fake smile absolutely everywhere I go, I've had to learn to be very conscious of my temperament. It's kind of funny actually, most guys I know that are 300lbs+ (or just big dudes in general) have the same demeanor; we don't want trouble...


Gooooos frabbbbbaaaa..

I've just never understood why people push folks that can literally unscrew their head like a light bulb. Patience can only hold for so long, so why take a jab and come back for more?

OK, mini rant out of the way, please resume to the normally scheduled words of wisdom. :)

This post may or may not have been directed at you, mini-me 5'1" dude that intentionally trains in front of where I'm seated, eyeballing me the entire time.
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We all know "Roid Rage" is a myth but simply AAS enhancing who or exacerbating who we are, asshole on gear s a bigger asshole. ( See avi )

Mitch Abrahms Psy.D. works with professional athletes AND Death Row inmates was interviewed and I ll summarize what his finding are and some way s to gain control over our tempers.

I ll start with a hypothetical timeline that could be any one us.

1- Ur unaware your irritated. You wake with a headache or the beginning stages of a cold or the flu. This starts your day off in a negative mindset but don t even know it.
2- At breakfast ur wife nags you over a bill you ve not paid, you argue and now ur level of irritation goes up. Your annoyed.
3- Your getting steamed. As u leave u spill coffee on on your shirt. No real big deal but it seems huge and your muscles tighten. Your on edge.
4- You re overly angry- You get cut off in traffic, consider chasing the driver down. Your hot and your hearts racing.
5- You lose your shit-In an afternoon meeting your boss is critical about a job you did and instead of apologizing or letting it go, you argue. You yell.Now you --cked up, crossed the line and hurt yourself.

This guy is recognized as a leading figure working with elite athletes especially NFL and NHL types whose job if you well is to crush opponents or at least beat them by outperforming them and thus winning.

He say s - " Anger is a normal emotion. It s a core human emotion and one of the bodies natural physiological responses to danger. Dealing with it or HOW one deals with it is a choice."

Analogy--Cooking a steak. U cannot cook a steak without heat/fire. Control the heat you can make wonderful things happen. If not your going to ruin the steak. Harnessing it can lead to all kinds of things you can do with out screaming, yelling or laying out your wife in an elevator. Lose control you can lose everything.

The key to control is awareness. Once you know the changes in yourself- getting hotter, pulse rate climbs, ur hair on your arms stands up whatever, you got to dial in to this and take counter measures and everyone s different. I like to leave places where I m prone to irritation but if you can t you have to visualize and conjure up an image in your minds eye and then go there and it can be done with practice and calm yourself down.

He stresses that things like yelling into a pillow or striking a bag to fight rage REINFORCES yelling and being dependent on punching as in say a domestic the other person EASILY becomes the pillow or the punching bag.

Good stuff. I was stuck in line yesterday w my weekly 140.00 dollars worth of seafood and chicken and ggggrrrrhhhh beefalo women everywhere traveling at the speed of body odor.

Plus I was hungry. So in line I read about Jessica Alba and looked at her sheer perfection and her resemblance to a girl FRIEND I have been training for a show is uncanny. I got home w-o incident and tossed off .

All good.

Life s great.
Always good to recognize the triggers and know how ti handle them like a man, good on you mate!