KSpencers Online Bulking Log/Blog


New member
Greetings! I've been lurking here for a while now, eventually decided to become a member and have started down to long road to finally getting the body I want!

With that said I've recently just setup a blog to run in conjunction with this log, and I'll be cross posting on them both!

The address for the blog is here

And without further ado here is my first entry!

Welcome to my blog! I’ll keep this short and sweet for the first post, basically this will be a place for me to track my progress and keep myself on the straight and narrow as well as sharing my experiences with you!

I’ll be updating daily, with my diet, workout, pictures and videos and anything else relevant (And even some things not) so be sure to check back!

A quick “A bit about me” I’m 19 knocking on 20 and have never really ever been “Big” but I’ve finally decided to change all that and get into shape, and take my training seriously. Iv already completed the “Starting Strength Program” which aims to introduce you to various exercises and make sure your form is good (Which is essential!) and have now moved onto a more advanced 4 Day Split! With that in mind I hired myself a nutritionist and got my diet sorted, I did something similar with my workout and bought all my supplements yesterday to last me for a month or two, this is where my transformation begins!

That’s it for now, check back tomorrow when I’ll have my first workout posted up!

PS: If your looking for a diet/nutrition expect I cannot more highly recommend 3J (He is well known amongst body building & fitness forums) He will get your diet tailored down to a T and has worked wonders with mine so far! If your interested hit him up at 3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

Thanks, and i look forward to keeping you all posted!
Day One! Check out the real blog here!

Right so day one started out with my back workout, I try to get this as far away from my leg workout as possible so if I hammer it on the Deads it doesnt stop me from still pushing my squats on legs. I work my Biceps as well today, as they usually get hit (And I then do Triceps on a chest day ***8211; Tomorrow)

So today looked like this,

Deadlifts: 50 kg x 10, 60kg x 10, 70kg x 5, 85kg x 5, 100kg x 6

Good Mornings: 20kg x 10 , 30kg x 10 (x2)

Barbell Rows: 20kg x 10, 30kg x 5 (x3)

Barbell Bicep Curls: 15kg x 15, 20kg x 10, 25kg x 5

All in all, not a bad workout, still struggling to break through that 100kg Mark for the Deads, I did try today at 115 but by then my grip was failing me and surprisingly my legs were starting to wobble a bit (First time I***8217;ve had that happen!)

Started working out with a new gym buddy today, we go way back so it was a lot of fun! I can definitely recommend working out with someone, it really pushes you! (Even if its just to beat them and get bragging rights!)

I usually throw in some cable work, row variants, however today by the time I had finished my BB Curls I really was shattered! Despite that, I am still quite happy with how today went. I went in, had a minimum amount of down time and rather than talking to a friend (Previous gym bud) hooked up my MP3 and just went for it!

I***8217;m in the process of getting up some pictures / videos (Once I can find a half decent camera! The one on my phone is terrible!) of lifts etc for critique and of course so you can put a face to the name! Ill also be throwing up a ***8220;Stats***8221; post tomorrow so I can start to track my progress more efficiently!
Thats all for now, but be sure to check back tomorrow!
Day 2 turned out to be a rest day, so I thought that instead of not writing anything I'd indulge you in something that happened lastnight! Hope you enjoy!

Check out the blog here!

So today was my rest day, which is supposed to be tomorrow, however after hitting it really hard at the gym yesterday, I struggled to stay awake past 11AM today and so slept till around 1.. Bad times I know!

After getting sick of preparing each meal separately I decided to cook around 3-4 days worth of food today – Have to do something with the free time right? Took a good hour or so, I’m crap at multitasking in the kitchen (I even have to draft in my sister as an assistant!) So I’ll definitely be on top of the diet for the next few weeks! However, not much else happened today so I’ll indulge you in a little story.

Last night it was a Lads night in at a mates, He had recently purchased a simple “Home Gym Kit” which consisted of a few light dumbbells, a bench and various barbell weights. Now let me get one thing straight, the host is a bit of a dick when it comes to fitness, he will out right lie about what he can do and when you prove him wrong he will manage to find an excuse as to why he couldn’t do what he said. With that said, lads + weights = All wanting to have to a go.

To start with me and my gym bud started to ask what he could do, Deadlifts, Squats, Bench etc, and seeing as nobody knew what the other two were, we set about seeing who had the biggest bench. Instantly the Host jumped on, maxed it out and with poor formed managed to squeeze out… 3? If you count the other shockingly performed 2 then 5. To which he stood up and said “I can usually do another 30KG and I usually go for 5 x 15***8243; I couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, this obviously put me in the firing line for next up. Now we had around, 65kg on the bar, which is pretty much my personal best, so I was obviously hesitant at first going straight in. So I said I’d do a quick warm-up and stretch and to let someone else have a go before me (I always stretch now, after hearing some horror stories about people that didn’t) which got a laugh from him as I knocked out some quick press-ups and stretches. To my surprise once I hopped on (And again, got some laughs from the Host when I was trying to set up my posture right – Arch Back, Squeeze etc) I knocked out 10 easily, and according to my gym bud, with fairly decent form!

With that everyone else hopped on, and with the exception of one, most failed to even un-rack it. This lead to me and my gym bud asking if we could use the bigger bar and put more weights on. He said sure, we knocked out a 3 rep Personal Best at 75KG, we were stunned! Sadly, as the Host failed to un rack it, we weren’t allowed to use the weights any more, so went back upstairs for more drink and pizza.

There not much moral to the story, just thought that I’d rather write something than nothing, but I guess is there was one it would be not to underestimate yourself – Especially if you have a good spotter!
Chest Day went like this:

Bench: Started with Bar for warmup - 50KG x 5 (x5)

Dumbell Flys: 20KG x 10 (X4)

Pushups: 10 x 4

Dumbell Pull Overs: 20KG x 15 (x2)

Wasnt too bad, was actually quite full of energy which I put down to my new diet!

Went for a quick swim as well afterwards to try and get on top of cardio - Must remember cardio!
Wednesday Through to Friday

Hammer legs on Wednesday, the combination of swimming the day before, and running/swimming on wed and then going off to play some 5 a side rugby meant i work up on Thursday and could not move!

That and I didn't get much sleep, which im pretty sure meant im over training, so decided to take until Monday off, eat and sleep a lot! Hopefully this will mean im ready to jump right back in the saddle come next week!
Went for some steady-state cardio today, quick 40 minutes swimming. It is definitely my favourite form of cardio! And so much fun too!

Tomorrow is a back day, and after rest with 3J's diet kicking in over last week I'm really going to hammer it hard tomorrow!
im really enjoying this log my man.. keep it up!

dont forget to check in with measurements weekly!!!
Right so today was a back day, Gym was Dead - And so was the battery in my MP3.

DeadLift: 60 x 10 , 80 x 5, 90 x 5, 100 x 5 , 120 x 1

Cable Seated Row: 86 x 10 (x4)

Cable High Row: 86 x 10 (x4)

Bent Over Barbell Row: 20 x 5, 25 x 5, 30 x 5 (x2)

Cardio: Went swimming for around 45 minutes afterwards with a mate, nothing too intense, more fun than anything.

Felt that today went ok, still want to break that 120 plat on the deadlift though! Been at it for awhile now! Sauna and banter afterwards was great fun, always prefer going with mates than by myself.

Chest day tomorrow, going to rest and hope to break some personal bests. Ill also be chucking in measurements tomorrow/

Note: Balls, forgot bicep work today... Might have to chuck it in tomorrow.
Chest day today, got to the gym with lots of energy, but after finishing on the bench felt drained, rest of the workout was a struggle to get through. Even had to knock the weight down on some exercises.

Bench: 20KG x 20, 50 x 5 (x5)

Bench (Smith + Incline) 30KG x 5,60 x 5 (x2)

Dumbbell Pull Over 20KG x 10 (x3)

Dumbell Fly 14KG x 10 (x3)

Dumbbell Bench Press 16KG x 10 (x3)

Went for another quick swim with some mates after, nothing too intense mostly do afew laps, then muck around a bit in the deep end trying to do flips and stuff. Still feeling it in my calfs though!

Pretty down a bout not making some personal bests today, but next week I will really try push myself!

Tomorrow is a rest day, so may chuck in a quick swim. Thursday is legs day, bring on squats!!!
Rest day today, so just a quick bit of swimming. Had my first cheat meal aswell, chucked in bacon - Best bacon i'v ever tasted!!!

Off for a relaxing day of fishing and BBQ (Final cheat meal of the week!)

Will post up stats tomorrow, leg day - Dreading it.