Last cycle was a 5x5 had great results. Now for new cycle 4 day or 5 day split?


New member
My last cycle my goal was to gain some good mass with strength going through the roof. It worked.

Now onto my next cycle (all of my cycles are simply 500mg test E.. however i'm thinking of doing 750 this cycle? Think i'd get better results?)

I want to know if a 4 day split or a 5 day split is generally better.

KEEP IN MIND I am a naturally very thin person and a true ectomorph with thin ass wrists and bones. Before I started lifting I was 155 pounds at 6'2 so keep in mind I probably fall into the hardgainer category.

So in my mind i'm thinking a 4 day split would probably produce better results for me but a 5 day split seems to work WONDERS for a lot of people and since i'd be on gear anyways i'm assuming it might work better than a 4 day split.

I've never worked bodyparts once a week and have always done twice a week and I think it's time to change them considering my natural self would be considered a hardgainer.

What do you guys think? 4 day or 5 day split working each bodypart once a week.
Hardgainer = doesn't eat enough.

Not to bust your balls, but AAS are only a part of the picture. If you can't eat enough to gain naturally, you won't see the results you're paying for and taking a risk for.

Yes, training splits can make a difference, especially if you're not stimulating growth by either too much volume, or too little - but I'd seriously look at those calories you're putting in your body.

Once food and rest are covered, then I'd look at training and finally AAS. I mean zero disrespect, but based on your stats, you have quite a bit of room to grow without AAS.

I'd hit the diet forum and post up your diet for critique in 3j's thread. Fix whatever is needing attention, and go from there.

My .02c :)
I am with Halfwit. Save the AAS for later. You should easily be able to get to 210 lbs Natty. You just have to start eating. Become best friend with Cap'n Crunch and whole milk. :)
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I never stated that I wasn't progressing I don't know why everyone was so quick to jump on my diet lol I said I STARTED at 155 that means waay before I jumped on steroids.

My diet is fine on cycle I get 1.5g protein per bodyweight and off cycle I stick to 1g

last cycle I was eating 4k calories a day some days a bit more I get plenty of carbs.

I eat 5-6 meals a day and yes I hit my macros with each meal. Two of those meals being blended shakes (oats veggies and either whey or egg whites)

I would just like to know if you think if would be better to jump into a 5 day split working each muscle group once a week or maybe a split where each muscle group is getting hit twice a week.

Thanks guys!
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I never stated that I wasn't progressing I don't know why everyone was so quick to jump on my diet lol I said I STARTED at 155 that means waay before I jumped on steroids.

My diet is fine on cycle I get 1.5g protein per bodyweight and off cycle I stick to 1g

last cycle I was eating 4k calories a day some days a bit more I get plenty of carbs.

I eat 5-6 meals a day and yes I hit my macros with each meal. Two of those meals being blended shakes (oats veggies and either whey or egg whites)

I would just like to know if you think if would be better to jump into a 5 day split working each muscle group once a week or maybe a split where each muscle group is getting hit twice a week.

Thanks guys!

Because you said 155 pounds at 6'2" and used the word "hardgainer". What are your current stats?
I said I was 155 pounds before I ever started lifting years ago. i'm 210 pounds with thin bones.

So i'm one of those people who look like they weigh more than they really do because I have a thin frame. Yes I probably started using gear earlier than I should have but i'm already down that path and will continue to follow it at this point.
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