Late start for PCT, last second decision not to cycle back on test cyp


New member
Looking for some opinions/experience here...

I started a 12 week cycle of Test Cyp in October, (shortened to a/b 10 weeks due to efficacy) used a total of 20cc with winstrol during the first half and anavar during the second half of the cycle. The plan was to take a few weeks off and then do another cycle, my source ended up giving me the crap about "it will be ready tomorrow" but tomorrow never came, finally he says i can pick it up but that it is tren, having no experience with tren and having heard very mixed reviews I knew that I didnt want to experiment with it at this time. So, my last poke was December 9th, when the offer was made to pick up tren I decided to just hold off since I go to Military basic in April, it would be cutting the time close for a 10-12 week cycle with PCT. I was past time to start PCT but had not yet felt any ill effects from it, so I decided to forego for the time being considering i did a rather small amount of test to begin with, just to see what happened.

Well, here I am about 2 months post final prick and I feel my muscle recovery to be a bit slow, my libido is low and erections although still available are a not as strong or frequent. I am 30 years old, 6'2" 190lbs, train more for performance and longevity than just strength as I am going for naval spec ops selection so endurance is more important than strength right now.

Any opinions/expertise/experience with something similar?

I just started taking a test booster to see if that will bring it back up just a a little, can/will pct with chlomid, nolvadex, hcg or whatever will be best. I'm not an expert on this subject so I'm trying to do my due diligence here.

Apologies for the long ass post, felt i needed to give a proper explanation.

Thanks for all the time spent reading, your help and consideration!!
Simple. Get blood work and compare it to your baseline. Check TT, LH and FSH. Let's see if you have recovered or not.
Simple. Get blood work and compare it to your baseline. Check TT, LH and FSH. Let's see if you have recovered or not.

I think it is quite clear he is not recovered, considering no PCT and the symptoms described.

Get some Toremifene (AR-R stocks it)and run it at 120/90/60/60 and get blood work done. Bloodwork now would help now if you can get it, though no doubt e2 will be quite high, test quite low, SHBG probably a little on the high side and lowered LH/FSH.
Yep I'm not disagreeing with you, Mega, I worded it a little off. What I meant to say is that you are most likely still suppressed and the blood test will probably show what I just mentioned, but yes still go get it done to confirm that for sure and so you know what's really going on.
Got my blood test results...

Testosterone, Free/Tot quilib
Testosterone, Serum 337
Testosterone, Free 8.93
% Free Testosterone 2.65

So clearly it's low, is there any other info that needs to be looked at? I did the full "male panel" so there's an entire page worth of info
Go get yourself some Toremifene from AR-R and run that at 120/90/60/60, keep us updated and then get blood results a few weeks after.
Got my blood test results...

Testosterone, Free/Tot quilib
Testosterone, Serum 337
Testosterone, Free 8.93
% Free Testosterone 2.65

So clearly it's low, is there any other info that needs to be looked at? I did the full "male panel" so there's an entire page worth of info

What is your LH and FSH? Please include reference ranges with all your numbers too. Even better would be to post the full results you got back. Take a picture or type it in.