lean bulk cycle Tren E + Test E + 3Js diet


New member
Hi all,

My cycle is planned to start tommorow. Stats are as follows:

Age 23
BF approx 15%

I know i'll probably get a load of stick for using tren at such a low body weight and not having "enough experience" but in reality this will be my 4th cycle, I've used Tren ace and hex in the past but low doses stacked with higher levels of test and got good gains, a major lifestyle change was graduating uni and working full time 45 hours a week at a desk so needless to say my weight did go down south quite abit.

I joined 3J and started a cut with him, i lost around 20lbs in 3 months but mentally felt "too small and weak" so i decided to go back on the bulk for a little while longer.

so anyways, on with the cycle.

Weeks 1-12 Test E @ 250mg per week
Weeks 1-12 Tren E @ 400mg per week

Weeks 4-12 Dostinex (caber) @ 0.25mg E4D
Weeks 1-12 HCG @ 500ius per week (2x 250iu inj)

PCT: Clomid 50/50/50/50 ( not too sure on how long i should wait til after my last inj to start this?? suggestions?)

Im thinking of injecting on a monday and thursday: 125mg test E + 200mg Tren E in the same syringe mixed.

As with the HCG is it best to inj this on the same day as the other stuff??

Diet will be 3Js modified carb cycle which i have already been following for the past month-ish so im hoping that this will be a very successful cycle for myself.

any advice and criticism is always welcome
Did the first pin of the cycle yesterday. Injected into the thickest part of my delt. Like an idiot i injected before my workout so i did have abit of soreness but today my shoulder feels dead lol

I know the gear wont kick in yet but i had a massive pump yesterday so i know its just a placebo at the moment.

As for the hcg, it was a little difficult separating 1ml into 0.12ml shots but luckily i bought 0.5ml insulin syringes that made it easy.

If one is to experience negative sides on tren e how l9ng would it be before they surfaced?
Pretty much doing this exact cycle!
Test 300mg 1-12
Tren 300mg 1-12
DBol 80mg 1-4
3J's carb cycling diet (starting next week hopefully)

Whats the diet like that you have? do you have to spend ages cooking every night?
how tall are you? My guess is that you are small for your height, fuck the lean bulk, spend a year or two putting on muscle, to do that you will gain some fat, big deal but once you have the muscle it will work for you keeping the fat off. you aren't going to get huge and ripped at the same time and it won't happen in one cycle, choose to bulk and eat for that.
Pretty much doing this exact cycle!
Test 300mg 1-12
Tren 300mg 1-12
DBol 80mg 1-4
3J's carb cycling diet (starting next week hopefully)

Whats the diet like that you have? do you have to spend ages cooking every night?

The diet is not so bad once you slip into the routine. I cook for about 30mins a day. As for the AI. I don't think 250mg of test will produce gyno signs but I do have arimidex on hand just in case.
how tall are you? My guess is that you are small for your height, fuck the lean bulk, spend a year or two putting on muscle, to do that you will gain some fat, big deal but once you have the muscle it will work for you keeping the fat off. you aren't going to get huge and ripped at the same time and it won't happen in one cycle, choose to bulk and eat for that.

I'm 5ft10ish, I've thought of bulking for a few years but I'm training for my kickboxing Dan grade in 8 months so I need to be as lean/strong as possible
Week 1 update....the gear has been in my system for 1 week now. For the past few nights I've had flu\ cough symptoms is headaches, runny nose sore throat etc but I don't think its gear related perhaps just man flu lol

I wake up on average twice as night to toss and turn then fall back to sleep. My DREAMS wow! I have had some weird ass dreams that I'm pretty sure are illegal to speak of lmao no night sweats as of yet.

Broke a personal best yesterday with the plate loaded shoulder press. Usually I can press 3x20kg plates per arm and yesterday I managed to add an extra 15kg per side.

My anger has defo increased. I tend to not hold my tongue in most situations where I would normally refrain from and my weight is up to 187lbs or 85kg as I prefer lol
Hi all, quick update. I'm currently half way through week 4. Experiences so far...

I was ill literally from the start up until a week ago with headaches everyday, flu and cough symptoms but luckily they have all subsided now. My strength has shot up and apparently it hasnt fully reach its potential yet as im a third of the way through my cycle. Im maxing out and setting new personal bests ( plate loaded shoulder press; i could only ever lift 3x20kg plates per side and now im pressing 4x20kg plates per side for 2 reps without support) weight is going up by like 1kg every 2 days still sticking with the carb cycle diet.

I'm looking forward to see what the next 8 weeks bring!! ill post pics up later in the cycle for more of a drastic difference lol