Lean Bulk


New member
I had to take some time off of training cuz of surgery and I am now starting to get back in the gym.....very very (crappy) time !!!! I would like to approach this the right way and possibbly make it enjoyable reaching all my goals !!! I usually plunge into working out sooooo hard that it is just ridiculous !!! I will eat till I puke stuffing myself with eggs, tuna, whole weat pasta etc....This is great for bulking but calories are calories which gives me incredible muscle as quick as a natural person can do, but of course with muscle comes fat !!!

I would like to put on that muscle but spare the fat as much as possible....LEAN MASS. So what would be a good idea ? I know there is that old formula of weight times protein etc....but I'm in college so my money and time is limited !!! I will be cuttting late night carbs and using cardio but ROUGHLY HOW MUCH OF EVERY ELEMENT ?

AGE: 22
Ht: 5ft 10
weight: (DOWN) 175
BF: AROUND 15 % (up)
Cycle history: none

Thanks !!!
at 15%, id cut down to 10ish.

reason being, if youre unhappy with you bf now, it will only get worse as time passes. calorie partitioning is also better when you are leaner. 10-15% bf is the optimal bf range for hypertrophy/strength gains.

but, to answer your original question, id start eating ~2800 calories a day.
210g protein, 350g carbs, 65g fat. Do this for a week and see what happens. If you lose weight, add another 500 calories untill your gaining at about a pound every 1-2 weeks. Comming from a layoff, you may be able to gain back faster for a short time, but generally, muscle growth aint happening any faster than that.

btw...props for actually asking a coherent question and giving us enough info to answer it. Generally we get "yo i wanna get big whut shud i eet, like how proteenz and carboz n shit?
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Suareezay said:
at 15%, id cut down to 10ish.

reason being, if youre unhappy with you bf now, it will only get worse as time passes. calorie partitioning is also better when you are leaner. 10-15% bf is the optimal bf range for hypertrophy/strength gains.

but, to answer your original question, id start eating ~2800 calories a day.
210g protein, 350g carbs, 65g fat. Do this for a week and see what happens. If you lose weight, add another 500 calories untill your gaining at about a pound every 1-2 weeks. Comming from a layoff, you may be able to gain back faster for a short time, but generally, muscle growth aint happening any faster than that.

btw...props for actually asking a coherent question and giving us enough info to answer it. Generally we get "yo i wanna get big whut shud i eet, like how proteenz and carboz n shit?

Thanks for the info. I totally agree with gettn down to 10 %. The only problem that I have had with that was when I did get down to like 9 % I was very weak....basically I think I cut too soon. You gotta have muscle to cut muscle/fat..right ? I think I will just try to hit that cardio/diet/weights all respectively. I can't really get worse then I am now (lol) but I can gage after time what I should do.
Thanks Again !!!
comming from a layoff, it shouldnt be too hard to get down to a respectable bf level. Clean up you food choices, hit the cardio, throw in some green tea caps, and later ephedrine and caffeine, and you should be good to go. I cant imagine it taking longer than 3 months tops.

You can hit the cardio/diet/weights respectively, but youre either going to
a. lose weight (mostly fat)
b. spin your wheels and not really make any progress
c. gain weight (some fat, some muscle)
all depending on what your cal intake is, regardless of how much cardio/diet/weights you do.

general rule of thumb is that youre only going to be able to achieve 1 body composition goal at a time (gain muscle, or lose fat). so the "whey protein + weights will give me musclez, and cardio will make me lose fat" approach isnt going to work for practically anybody.
Suareezay said:
comming from a layoff, it shouldnt be too hard to get down to a respectable bf level. Clean up you food choices, hit the cardio, throw in some green tea caps, and later ephedrine and caffeine, and you should be good to go. I cant imagine it taking longer than 3 months tops.

You can hit the cardio/diet/weights respectively, but youre either going to
a. lose weight (mostly fat)
b. spin your wheels and not really make any progress
c. gain weight (some fat, some muscle)
all depending on what your cal intake is, regardless of how much cardio/diet/weights you do.

general rule of thumb is that youre only going to be able to achieve 1 body composition goal at a time (gain muscle, or lose fat). so the "whey protein + weights will give me musclez, and cardio will make me lose fat" approach isnt going to work for practically anybody.[/QUOT

I agree 100 %. I think I could turn into Paris Hiltons size in a few weeks but that isnt going to be healthy (lol). I also think I can be a strong mother with 18 -20 % bf in like 1 month but hell thats not too much better and it looks like hell !!! I am aimin to get overall healthy and fit for right now. I really have no problem getn (BIG) but not quality big measured by bf/strength. Everytime I start bulking and packin on muscle My WHOLE ENTIRE BODY GETS BIG with the moon face and a gut....so I would like to have a "clean diet".

At that...its so weird its now wednesday I started back up mon. liftin/cardio/diet and I can already see my face getn all fat lookin !!! I guess because I am essentially taking in more calories because when not lifting I hardly eat at all. Can't win !! Hard work always = success so I'm just gonna pound out this long week and adjust as needed. 1 thing at a time. Can't be ARNOLD over night !!! I appreciate it man. If you have any more suggestions please keep them coming !!!