leaning out


New member
I've been lifting very consistantly for over a year now. Oringinally i wanted to a lot of muscle. i went from about 120 to 140 (at a height of a little below 5 '6'). NOw my goal is to lean out for the summer time and get cut. does any one have any advice?????????
How's your diet right now? If you can let us know what your diet and training is like, we can help you a little more. Thanks.:)
diet and training

thankx for replying.
My diet usually consists of five to six meals a day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner as main meals and two protein suppliments in between the major meals.
I have taken the past two weeks off from weight training and have just been doing an hour of cardio and abs. BUt usually i would have a training split where i would do legs one day, chest-bis the next day, back -tris the next, and then have one day rest and repeat. I would also follow each weight session with about 40 minutes of cardio @abs. I also train and work at a karate/boxing school so i would do a lot of boxing workouts for cardio...........please help.(i simply got real bulky, also i am trying not to eat carbs after six, most meals consist of all protein and veggies.... carbs like fat free yogurt, etc).
Re: diet and training

kenpokick said:
thankx for replying.
My diet usually consists of five to six meals a day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner as main meals and two protein suppliments in between the major meals.
I have taken the past two weeks off from weight training and have just been doing an hour of cardio and abs. BUt usually i would have a training split where i would do legs one day, chest-bis the next day, back -tris the next, and then have one day rest and repeat. I would also follow each weight session with about 40 minutes of cardio @abs. I also train and work at a karate/boxing school so i would do a lot of boxing workouts for cardio...........please help.(i simply got real bulky, also i am trying not to eat carbs after six, most meals consist of all protein and veggies.... carbs like fat free yogurt, etc).

hmmmm!! you sound familar where ya from? LOL!
thankx for replying friscochic, yes you too sound real familiar:) Sorry i couldn't make it today.....have a huge midterm to get ready for, so my day consisted of a early morning cardio session......studying.... and a evening cardio session..absessive i think not... Hope all is well with you friscochick...lets work out possibly on sunday
kenpokick said:
thankx for replying friscochic, yes you too sound real familiar:) Sorry i couldn't make it today.....have a huge midterm to get ready for, so my day consisted of a early morning cardio session......studying.... and a evening cardio session..absessive i think not... Hope all is well with you friscochick...lets work out possibly on sunday

OK Sunday is good. San Mateo gym? LOL! Like my name?? I like yours! Knew it was you from the start! hee hee

FYRE- Can you help my girl out? With some sups or trainig tips.. she doesn't like to listen to me!

Kenpo- Tell her your stats woman.. height weight BF%

Okay sweetie, firstly don't ignore the weights please. Far too many women fall into the "cardio only" rut and end up losing too much muscle. Continue to do your weight training three to four times a week. Now, if you are teaching karate and whatnot, that's your cardio. How many days do u do that? Remember that too much cardio can be just as bad as not enough.
Now, in terms of your diet, you need carbs, especially after you train. You should try to take in about 50g carbohydrates(preferably higher glycemic) immediately after you workout.(karate classes count as well!)
It's very important to refuel your glycogen stores.
If you don't mind me asking, what is your weight and if you know, you're current level of bodyfat?
Okay sorry, I got sidetracked with my last question.
Your goal is going to be to take in one gram of protein per bodypound divided amongst your six meals for the day. The protein shakes are good. If you are going to continue to eat that low of carbs, then you need to take in some supplemental calories. A good way of doing this is to add a couple of tablespoons of flax oil into your daily intake.
I am interested in knowing your carb intake for the day. If you wouldn't mind posting me a sample of what you would eat in a day, I'm sure I could give you more info. Are you using any fat burners right now or any supplements besides protein powder? That would be helpful information as well.
The more I know about your eating habits, the more I can help you.;)
Fyre said:
Okay sorry, I got sidetracked with my last question.
Your goal is going to be to take in one gram of protein per bodypound divided amongst your six meals for the day. The protein shakes are good. If you are going to continue to eat that low of carbs, then you need to take in some supplemental calories. A good way of doing this is to add a couple of tablespoons of flax oil into your daily intake.
I am interested in knowing your carb intake for the day. If you wouldn't mind posting me a sample of what you would eat in a day, I'm sure I could give you more info. Are you using any fat burners right now or any supplements besides protein powder? That would be helpful information as well.
The more I know about your eating habits, the more I can help you.;)
Thanks fyre for helping. I know her so, she is about 5'5 and 140 pounds or so. BF not sure of, but she is a Kempo instructor..

Ive told her already that she is doing WAY to much maybe she'll listen to you.