leaning towards this for my first cycle


New member
500mg test e weekly for 1-12weeks
300mg equipoise weekly for 1-12weeks

Pct molva 4weeks after cycle

Any opinions will be noted.
AI?????? Armidex 0.25 mg eod, starting week 3.
PCT Nolvedex 40/40/20/20 Clomid 100/50/50/50 starting 2-3 weeks after last pin.
I would drop the eQ the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) will get rid of unwanted water so you don't look like the Michelin man.
gonna agree with Mrmitchboy.....drop the EQ, no need for it on your first cycle. you'll definately need an AI....either Adex or aromasin. pct is very immportant.....yes, you need both clomid and nolva. Clomid is the most immportnant thing in pct.
Arimidex for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) clomid for pct and keep the EQ because I want a good hardener and I hear it works well with test