legality of powders???

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New member
How are the possesion of powders looked upon in the eyes of the law?? Over here in England steroids are a class 3 drug, which is a minor sort of drug charge, where do powders fit in, are they class higher as you are making the drugs??
The large amount (in the eyes of the law) would probably land you a intent to distribute charge. Same with conversion equiptment - thatl land you a clandestine laboratory charge.
So if you recieve a package containing a few hundred grams of powders it has passed customs and you are home dry, do they ever monitor your post or what you order from the med supply sites(ie vials,syringe) not that im paranoid i just want to cover all angles
So if you recieve a package containing a few hundred grams of powders it has passed customs and you are home dry, do they ever monitor your post or what you order from the med supply sites(ie vials,syringe) not that im paranoid i just want to cover all angles
Were not LE, actually im kinda uncomfortable with this thread im gonna lock it up.
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