lemelange.com products


New member
they have great prices on bb, ba, and cottonseed oil, they also have vials and whatman filters. my question is, is it ok to use their oil,bb,ba (im assuming that they are not usp grade) and just bake the oil before you start using it.
thanks in advance
usp dont mean its sterile. baking oil is a waste also cause you gonna filter it and bake the end product anyway. lemelange is high on thier oils and the prices on the bulk ba and bb is descent. thier filters are way high. if you get a box of 50 you get them for 2 bucks a piece else where. cotton seed oil goes for 10.50/gallon from other vendors. not the best of choices either. saw a study that stated 18% of men who injested Cotton seed oil on a regular basis showed signs os sterility. grapeseed is abetter choice and works very well in most applications. it runs around 11 bucks a gallon. sesame is fine, kinda thick but ok.
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I use their refined sesame oil and heat it to at least 212 degrees before I start my conversion. I also use their BA and BB.
pvdf is what is commonly used, but not the only kind...

has anyone else noticed that pullinbig is being very happy (gay) today? :) j/k
true on the filters graph baby. thats jsut the ones i use. get good results and they are readily available most of the time. all these new home chemists are making thier mark.

my wife says i have effiminant(sp)qualities. i mean just cause i let her wear the strap on and massage my prostate gland dont make me gay. at three grams of test a week you be rubbing all over anything that stands still. no joke!!!!

test is a remarkable hormone. try and get your wife/girl friend on it. you aint had sex till you get a raging, swollen clit, slutty, so horny she cant decide what to do, woman in your bed. damn!!!! she be following you around the house. cant take a shower with out her getting in with you. cant finish supper with out having sex on the floor. cant drive over thirty minutes without getting some incredible head. ah life is good. but i'll warn you, you better be on a least a g/w if you wanna hang.

hmm.... let me go find the little lady......
pb, are you serious?? how much test was/is she on when she's this...'aroused?'
couple hundred mg/week. that is with oht, a PH converted for IM. real test at 150mg/w (cyp) drives um up the wall. her clit was huge and very sesitive I may add. I was so happy. waves of multiple orgasms. a couple of the guys i train got thier wives on it several monthgs ago @ 150mg/w cyp. it takes about 3 weeks to kick in. you better be ready. make a slut out of a nun. you want anal give her some test. you want deep throat give her some test. you want to be a snadwhich between two women give her some test. it drives um crazy. go find the biggest girl stud in the gym and ask her out. you wont regret it. if you aint careful she flip you over, handcuff ya and and dildo that ass. lololololololol

OK thats enough. i am getting worked up. let me go find the little ladt again.,
grafix-gnc said:
i knew a female bodybuilder, her clit was bigger than my thumb

jes like a litle dick. very sesitive too.

there are some sides associated with woman on test. hair growth, deper voice, bumps, water retention, swollen clit, irregular menstral cycle or no menstral cycle (how bad is that) and incredible sex. may have to adjust dosage to what she can tolerate. they love it though once it hits. most woman enjoy a healthy sex life but with working, kids, house work, etc they get tired and just dont feel like it. test will wake um up. if your wife works a job where she is around a lot of men it may not be a good idea. esp if you aint bringing the bacon hard and fast. :D