Letro - Help!


New member

I am 22, 92kg about 10% BF

I am on my second Test E cycle, first one I had a bit LEFT sore nipples (felt like a tiny marble under the nipple) face got a bit chubby after the cycle and PCT all went back to normal.

This cycle both nipples are sore, in particular the left and it feels like a lot bigger lump under the skin this time round I am also feeling very bloated as well.

I am 6 weeks into a 10 week cycle and I go away on holiday half way through my post cycle therapy (pct), I do not want to go on holiday with puffy sore nipples at all!

I have loads of letro on hand, I don't know how if I should take this I would prefer the harsh side effects and get back to normal quickly rather than take something less potent as it were. can I be advised on what I should do;

- should I take it?
- how long for?
- at which dose?
- likely side effects will it stop my gains etc?
- will it work and get rid of the nipples, or the nipples, bloat and more?

My body is my temple I would be devastated to go on holiday not looking my best!

any advice is greatly appreciated!
start it with cycle always and id jump on it now.. it can reverse it if you catch it in time. do .2 till last two weeks then wing yourself off you if you just stop without winging yourself you will spike your estrogen and get gyno back
any more info is that 0.2mg ED, EOD or what? side effect help please just so I know what to expect and not get mixed with some sort of man flu =] also I got it in tabs of 2.5mg how am i suppose to cut a tab into 1 5th there tiny things!