Letro + Nolva for teen "gyno"?


New member
I have been cutting for the last month and a half and its been going well, although i notice zero reduction in love handles and lower pecs area. I had puffy nipples since i entered puberty, went to the doc to check for gyno and he said i shouldnt worry. I have no lumps but its basically a stubborn fat deposit there.

This is something i want to correct before i go on any cycle.
Im 6'2, 190lbs, 16% BF(tape measurement method, i believe its lower due to stubborn love handles).

Currently im taking TTA, 7-keto and EC stack.

Im considering adding 1.25mg letro EOD and 20mg nolva ED to try and correct this, or is it overkill? I tried arimidex at 0.25 EOD and it did nothing for me