Lets pick some pro hormone brains


New member
Ok im totally new to even the idea of ph... can i have your opinions on an excellent cutting stack and excellent size stack. Also a guesstimate on how much of a boost over dieting properly by itself youd get
Diet plays a huge role with or without ph's. as a rookie, you can do 5-6 weeks of halo at 75-110 per day and yur diet will dictate whether its a cut, recomp, or bulk.
Ok im totally new to even the idea of ph... can i have your opinions on an excellent cutting stack and excellent size stack. Also a guesstimate on how much of a boost over dieting properly by itself youd get

Read stickys in the aas section.
if you cant have a test base dont cycles. mos tproh's are crap and actually MORE toxic then using known AAS....

first cycle:
Teste or cyp

second: same thing, maybe add an oral or another inject like deca or mast..

besides a couple proh's i say screw them all.. IMO

dont do oral only cycles.
Helladrol + lgd and than osta in pct.

If you run that for 10 wks you should see some good gains. Checkout sarms1

I bet they have black Friday stuff going on.