Let's talk BRIDGES! Everyone's ideas welcome!

CJC DAC 4 mg per week and 25 mg a day Mk 677 with or without slin.
That should put you igf levels relatively high keep hunger up and keep you growing for a bridge.
49er has it right--- he's just accepted what others haven't ..
This is pure speculation , but the AAS user who has experienced positive results from a cycle, both physical and mental, is now to a certain degree wanting those "feelings" all the time... He knows he shouldn't be on all the time but he really wants to be.. Maybe with "bridging" he gets to feel like he is still "on" to a certain degree and is laser focused on the next cycle so he can be on again.... Even if he is running insulin or sarms,, he is injecting and taking compounds,,,, the taking of compounds gives him a feeling of still being "on"--
This is what he is after,, always wanting to be on something. It's a mental "addiction" for the sake of "physical" performance

Nothing wrong with this IMO-- blast cruise bridge whatever,, we have that choice as free men

I see where you're coming from. Personally, I suppose, I should have mentioned this in the OP, I'm just adding Creatine, Glutamine, adding calories, and dropping the daily volume based work to an every other day push pull training program. I'd say 5'8", 200, 20-25% bf.. I'm well within my genetic potential :)

I shouldn't need any Sarm or Peptide this time around. Another 20-30lbs and I might though, so this is definitely on the mind as I plan for my 2nd run.
I know what you meant dude. I'm not a mongoloid I was being sarcastic lol
"Trenbolona Acetato" "Wasp Honey" "Bear Honey" "R Kelly Piss" "Gold Member" "Winny the Pooh" "Leprechaun juice" "Angels piss" "Grizzly Fuel" "Gold Rush" "1949" "