Lgd 4033, first sarm cycle , need advice?


New member
Im 21 and this is my first "non natty" supplement. I am going to run 5 mg for 10 days then 10 mg for 25 days. I have a few questions. Should i use anything to prevent gyno? Ive never had a problem with it but just want to be catious. Also what should i use for my pct? Many people have recommended hcgenerate and clomid
It doesn't convert to estrogen so there won't be gyno or acne. But it's suppressive and will shut you down, have you gotten bloodwork to check your testosterone levels? If you don't get bloodwork done there's no way to know you made a full recovery from LGD.

My personal advice: either run with a test base or trade in your natty card and do a full blown testosterone cycle. LGD brought my production from 540 down to 199 (clinically deficient) so my doctor prescribed me HCG and tamox
My insurance doesnt fully cover blood work and i dont have the cash for it. Isnt there a pct that would help me recover
Yes, if you sign up for the newsletter from privatemdlabs.com, they will send you a coupon code for 15% off. Buy the Hormone Panel for Females (it is for males as well) and use the coupon code during checkout. It makes the cost about $58, last time I used it.

Well worth every penny to know how your body currently is running.