Hey guys I'm about to start my lgd from ss I did a lot of research on it I know it is suppressive but now I'm reading that people are running clomid or torem during the cycle to help fight suppression I was wondering if this affected gains or anything if y'all could clear this up for me I'd really appreciate it my cycle is gonna be
Lgd 8 to 10 weeks start at 3mg then 5mg and work up to 10 and see where the sweet spot is prolly run Hawthorne and fish oil during and pct nolva 40 40 20 20 and daa everyday.
I would love to hear any critiques any help is appreciated thanks
Lgd 8 to 10 weeks start at 3mg then 5mg and work up to 10 and see where the sweet spot is prolly run Hawthorne and fish oil during and pct nolva 40 40 20 20 and daa everyday.
I would love to hear any critiques any help is appreciated thanks