Ok, so first of all I'll go ahead and post my Beastdrol cycle layout that I previously have done about a year or so ago, and then we can branch off from there:
1-4 Beastdrol: 20/30/30/30
1-4 Transaderm: 5 pumps every day
1-4 N2 guard: 7 caps everyday
5-8 Unleashed and Post Cycle: 1 cap 3 times daily
5-8 HCGenerate (3 caps am + 2 caps pm)
5-8 DAA
5-8 Clomid 25/25/25/25
5-10 Forma-Stanzol: 5 pumps am/pm every day
Supplements/SERM's "need help":
LGI SD-10: (maybe 10/20/20 or 10/20/20/20? not sure to go for 3 or 4 weeks when viewing logs.)
N2 Guard: (Is this the best cycle support available for the cost?)
HCGenerate & DAA (Run both of these during PCT again or?)
RS-Transaderm/Test Base: (Replacement? Way too expensive compared to previous costs "$200+ right now", and I'm sure there are others which are very similar if not better.)
SERM: Clomid again?, or maybe even something different? (Dosages? etc.) (I have a variety of different SERM's available)
Should any specific supplements be pre-loaded for a certain amount of days. Basically, I want to keep side effects to an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of course. If anyone has input on my cycle please let me know! Also, any website discount codes for certain products would DEFINITELY help out.
1-4 Beastdrol: 20/30/30/30
1-4 Transaderm: 5 pumps every day
1-4 N2 guard: 7 caps everyday
5-8 Unleashed and Post Cycle: 1 cap 3 times daily
5-8 HCGenerate (3 caps am + 2 caps pm)
5-8 DAA
5-8 Clomid 25/25/25/25
5-10 Forma-Stanzol: 5 pumps am/pm every day
Supplements/SERM's "need help":
LGI SD-10: (maybe 10/20/20 or 10/20/20/20? not sure to go for 3 or 4 weeks when viewing logs.)
N2 Guard: (Is this the best cycle support available for the cost?)
HCGenerate & DAA (Run both of these during PCT again or?)
RS-Transaderm/Test Base: (Replacement? Way too expensive compared to previous costs "$200+ right now", and I'm sure there are others which are very similar if not better.)
SERM: Clomid again?, or maybe even something different? (Dosages? etc.) (I have a variety of different SERM's available)
Should any specific supplements be pre-loaded for a certain amount of days. Basically, I want to keep side effects to an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of course. If anyone has input on my cycle please let me know! Also, any website discount codes for certain products would DEFINITELY help out.