Libido Shot Mid Cycle (Test/Tren/Mast/Var). Blast HCG?


New member
Hey guys so this is how my cycle looks:

Weeks 1-16: Test cyp 750mg/week
Weeks 1-8: Tren ace 150mg eod
Weeks 9-16: Masteron 150mg eod
Weeks 9-16: Anavar 80mg a day

Been using HCG 250IU twice a week throughout the cycle and I started it at week 4. Do you guys think I started HCG too late? Libido was through the rough the first couple months but has been completely shot midway through. I upped the HCG to 500IU twice a week for a couple weeks and then upped it again too 500IU EOD the last couple weeks and still no improvement. Got morning wood couple times but nothing significant.

I was thinking of blasting HCG like 10 days before the start of PCT. Will be running a 5 week PCT of Nolva 40/40/20/20/20 and Clomid 100/100/50/50/50. What do you guys think? Could use some help. Thanks.
Welcome to the forums! What is your current cycle history, first cycle?? what are your stats, age, weight, height, bf% etc.?
Thanks for the reply. This is my 8th cycle. I'm 28 5'11 205 pounds 9% BF. I've used Test and Tren before but Masteron and Anavar are a first for me. I have ran HCG in past cycles.
I was using Aromasin but I was told to drop it since my low libido may be caused by having my estrogen levels actually too low. I dropped it and upped the HCG but I haven't had any estrogen related sides.
your on 750mg a week of test, and yet you keep upping and upping your HCG thinking thats going to help libido ? the HCG is increasing test and also aromatizing into more and more estrogen. thats not helping its hurting.

get blood work. Your estrogen is prob pretty high and thats causing the issues is my guess . add elevated estrogen on top of taking Tren and you probably have elevated progesterone issues as well.

you should been taking an AI as well as something like Caber

note: and hopefully the Mast you are running is Mast Prop , otherwise no point in running it end of cycle , should have ran it the whole length of your cycle
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your on 750mg a week of test, and yet you keep upping and upping your HCG thinking thats going to help libido ? the HCG is increasing test and also aromatizing into more and more estrogen. thats not helping its hurting.

get blood work. Your estrogen is prob pretty high and thats causing the issues is my guess . add elevated estrogen on top of taking Tren and you probably have elevated progesterone issues as well.

you should been taking an AI as well as something like Caber

note: and hopefully the Mast you are running is Mast Prop , otherwise no point in running it end of cycle , should have ran it the whole length of your cycle
agreed on all points.... high estro can also mess up libido.. and what you are on you are likely high in e2 and now worse that you stopped AI...
aromasin/Exemestane is weak as an AI IMO, most under dose it, its not super effective in males and 25-50mg ed is likely needed. honestly unless its for hrt i dont even rec it, i rec Dex 0.25-0.5mg eod.

get blood work and cia for the pecker, and prami for on hand
your on 750mg a week of test, and yet you keep upping and upping your HCG thinking thats going to help libido ? the HCG is increasing test and also aromatizing into more and more estrogen. thats not helping its hurting.

get blood work. Your estrogen is prob pretty high and thats causing the issues is my guess . add elevated estrogen on top of taking Tren and you probably have elevated progesterone issues as should been taking an AI as well as something like Caber

note: and hopefully the Mast you are running is Mast Prop , otherwise no point in running it end of cycle , should have ran it the whole length of your cycle

When I read your post OP the first thing that came to my mind was where is your E2 level. It also I agree with Roush on the Progesterone side while using the Tren, similar to running Deca.
Two many guys think that since they are running Tren then their Estrogen will be controlled to a point and that isn't so. At 750mgs of Test you really need to watch your E2 with blood work. Control it and you will not have such a problem.

I think you Estradiol E2 is high.
agreed on all points.... high estro can also mess up libido.. and what you are on you are likely high in e2 and now worse that you stopped AI...
aromasin/Exemestane is weak as an AI IMO, most under dose it, its not super effective in males and 25-50mg ed is likely needed. honestly unless its for hrt i dont even rec it, i rec Dex 0.25-0.5mg eod.

get blood work and cia for the pecker, and prami for on hand

I know its your opinion but aromisin works a lot better for me than Adex. I've never had to take more than 12.5 mg eod when I was blasting my highest level of test at 600mg a week. I now rarely go above 250mg of test a week and 12.5 mg of stane keep me where I choose to be. BTW I don't use UGL AI's pharm grade only.

And yes OP you're E2 is probably throught the roof. HCG will boost Test as well so 750mg with HCG can be close to 1G of test as far as numbers go. Get blood work, Make sure you pay for the ULTRA SENSATIVE E2 test or you will be wasting your money. Tren will throw off E2 numbers
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Hey guys I did get some blood work done on Friday. I should be getting the results within the next few days. Will keep you guys updated. I still have some aromasin on hand and have been taking 25mg ED since Tuesday.
Btw I've been off tren for a while now and have couple weeks left on this cycle currently running test, mast, var, hcg and aromasin. Like I said I've been running aromasin pretty high since Tuesday (25mg ed) and will keep it this high for about a week then drop it to 25 EOD and will run that up until couple days before I start my pct which will consist of nolva (40/40/20/20/20/20) and clomid (100/100/50/50/50/50). I'm running a longer pct due to the heavy cycle. Will still be running hcg at 250iu 3x a week up until 10 days before pct starts. Will start pct 18 days after my last test shot. Should be getting my blood work results soon. On paper it does look like my e2 levels are pretty high but I haven't experienced any of the common side effects (other than low libido). I'm usually prone to water retention and nipples flaring up but I haven't experienced any of that. But anyway we'll know soon enough with the blood work. Appreciate all your help bros.
Also, I should mention that my cycle is almost over. Got couple weeks left

Edit: looks like I already did mention that lol
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