Libido Shot Mid Cycle (Test/Tren/Mast/Var). Blast HCG?

the thing is thats a standard test. the ranges are like, like a body mass index, but doesnt fit for all people. one guy might be good with 20 e2 and another with 40, yes the #20 guy could have issues with levels of 40. even though all are "within range" its good you are not crazy high on estrogen, but i still suspect your estro is higher than norm. why you should always do pre-cycle blood work, specially before ever touching aas, so you can see where your levels are naturally at.
some just dont do well with deca or tren also, you will have to rule things out over time and how your body responds.
sorry if that was not of much help
agreed on all points.... high estro can also mess up libido.. and what you are on you are likely high in e2 and now worse that you stopped AI...
aromasin/Exemestane is weak as an AI IMO, most under dose it, its not super effective in males and 25-50mg ed is likely needed. honestly unless its for hrt i dont even rec it, i rec Dex 0.25-0.5mg eod.

get blood work and cia for the pecker, and prami for on hand

I agree with JP, do you know your E2. Anything over 300 mg test per week, most should consider an AI. Some get away with no AI at 500 mg per week, but it's not typical. It depends on your genetics and sensitivity to estro sides.

Some guys brag that they don't need AI even at 500 mg-1 gram of test E per week. I would bet half of them are bloated as shit with high BP or running underdosed AAS.

If your problem isn't E2, it's the tren. Trenbolone can either spike or destroy libido. It's a dose/time on/individual thing. You've been running it for a while, so it may be catching up to you.

Masteron is actually very effective for mitigating tren sides like ED, diminished mood, and low libido.

Just saw your blood, E2 looks fine. Might not be ideal for you as JP mentioned, but not enough to cause significant libido problems in most people. It's probably the trenbolone. Your prolactin is too high.
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