Ligament repair IGF Vs. GH


New member
i am coming off of a shoulder suregery and am wanting to speed the recovery process as much as possible i know in order to do this i need to increase collagen levels and was just wondering what effects IGF and GH have on this? Specifically IGF because it is more readily available....any input would be greatly appreciated!
IGF is more specific in its target via your recpetors etc... I have used both, however I used IGF after a knee surgury and it did help me very much !
So if I tore the ligaments of my ankle a few years back while playing basketball. I rehabed my ankle but it is still very weak. Would igf still help to repair and strengthen the ligaments or has it been too much time.
I think it would not hurt. As with anything in sports quickness is the key ! Particuliarly if it is a injury, take a look at NFL players, get hurt on Sunday within day's predicated on swelling they are having surgery immediatley !
if i had shoulder surgery and was going to use IGF does anybody have any ideas of how i would use...where to inject, how often, or how much? I was going to do the very low dose that some people are having alot better luck with of 40mcg every other day or 4 days a week would this not have a great affect on my soft tisseue or the same? does anybody know; is the affect IGF has on ligaments dose dependent?
I would think IGF should be injected as close to the damaged area as possible.
Also, I would still use 40mcg ED.
you gotta think to guys your talking about 40mcg vs 80 mch but their is two typed of igf lr3 theirs receptor grade and media grade. Media being really common and used in higher dosages. receptor better but harder on the walet. Good luck with your shoulder bro.
You can shot right into the area of your injury. Shoulder. Not sure if that will do any good, many post have been done in regards to site injections and questioning do they work or not. Being a systemic agent and one that attach's to your receptors such as mentioned previously, would indicate you can hit it sub q in your belly and be fine. I would use 80mcg, and see how that works, if not use the 11mcg profile, however I have personally noticed that the longer on IGF-LR3 the more you have to take. Good luck

larby said:
i am coming off of a shoulder suregery and am wanting to speed the recovery process as much as possible i know in order to do this i need to increase collagen levels and was just wondering what effects IGF and GH have on this? Specifically IGF because it is more readily available....any input would be greatly appreciated!

IGF has no effect on collagen levels. It has no thearaputic value for joint or bone injuries. Only muscles.
larby said:
whats the 11mcg profile?
I'm not sure what your asking. I use about 20mcg(10 mcg each body part) 3 times a week directly after workout. I inject in the pumped muscle right in the locker room.

When it comes to long IGF R3, less is more.