Light headed feeling after dropping var, bdol and winstrol - raw powder


New member
Hey guys , so i ordered some POWDERED raw dbol , var and winstrol . First time using this source . Ive noticed every time i drop the var, dbol and winstrol ... im getting a light headed almost hypo type feeling about 15 mins after dropping them . Have you guys ever had this or have any clue what this can be ?
What you are doing sounds really strange.
Can you post your whole cycle protocol and your complete stats. Do you have any diabetes ? How long do you feel this way

Are you doing these compounds without any test.
Sure . so im 30 yo . Training 8 years . 220lb 5'8" . maybe 17% bf . Current cycle is this

test c - 800mg per week
tren e 600mg per week
var - 80mg dbol - 60mg winstrol 100mg
then insulin 10iu morning and 10iu postwork out ....

Now i know THIS may seem like its the insulin however it happens immediately after i drop the var dbol and winstrol . and even went i dont take the insulin . i jhave never had a problem with diabetes . running this cycle for 4 weeks now ... and the feeling can last as long as maybe an hour sometimes
its almost as is one of the powders drop my blood sugar it feels liek . it happens even when i dont take the insulin ... cause i drop the powders ... train , then take the insulin postworkout ... and while i get to the gym i have this feeling . happened again today . i know the feeling of going hypo caus ei have felt it from the slin and its very very similar . very nervous jittery feeling as if you are slowly being pulled from reality .
That's what I think it is for some reason and I don't know why but you blood sugar. I think maybe it's crashing and that's the hypoglycemia IMOP.

Depending on how low it goes and the time it takes for the recovery you can get those little packets of glucose 15mgs of fact acting carbohydrate . It brings it up in just a couple of minuets.

My pre-workout powder does that mid to post workout. But I am Type 2 diabetic.

Good luck
I got this same feeling from my first and only cycle of dbol and winny (don't judge) lol. I started wearing my wrist cuff and checking my blood pressure and it would jump quite a bit after about 15-20min of taking both of them. Just plain dbol or winny seperatly I didn't have this issue but with the 2 together it happened just about every time.
I get alot of weird feelings when taking a few orals but believe me its bot because you dropped them lol
Could also be dehydration ive went through that a few times alreday. I get the same weird hypo feeling whenever i blast but their is always a reason im either too fatigued didnt eat enough or dehydrated.
High blood pressure has a similar feeling to going hypo if you're taking the orals hitting the gym you're blood pressure could be getting to high with the mix of the orals and increased heart rate from lifting
I had the same sort of feelings dropping trest before I worked out one time there in the middle of a workout I had a flexing session in front of the mirror and nearly passed out
And just worth noting I had to stop taking slin post workout and changed it to Pre I think having a stomach full of water (diluted the shake)and my blood sugar level dropping from working out was making me hypo no matter how many carbs I was having post injection I was only taking 10 ius of slin in my shake I'd have
140 carbs and a glass of juice and I was still going low Pre workout was much better for me anyway
i never really noticed this myself. at times oncycle i will feela bit hypo at times before eating moreso than when off cycle, than again my dad gets like that and is not on hrt or aas and gets all wobbly and dizzy so it might be genetic, he had tests and nothing wrong... me i get angry and sometimes a bit wobbly. its like hulk smash mod when i get like that, cant f with me till i eat something quick, its odd...
thanks you everyone for the help and replies
. i have been checking my blood pressure frequently these past couple days and all fairly normal . 130/80 . i havent been taking the orals for a couple days . something still seems off . have ou guys ever gotten bad lasting headaches from tren ?
your running a pretty heavy stack with lots of orals . AAS , and in particular for some reason oral AAS, can have a fairly dramatic effect on blood sugar levels. with some guys going HYPERGlycemic (not hypo), blood sugar is getting too high too fast. a heavy stack can really F up how your body deals with blood sugar and your insulin sensitivity.

if you've ever went Hyperglycemic fast, I have and its not pretty . Got super dizzy, light headed, thought i was going to pass out , starting getting muscle cramps, and my resting heart rate shot up to 160 bpm. Could barely walk , vision got all Fucked up, and a started uncontrollably shaking all over.

i call the ^^ above experience 'anabolic shock' . i was on a heavy cycle and then was taking a shit ton of HGH and Peptides on top of it. It happened 30 mins post injection of peptides post work out and after consuming 130 g of carbs.

invest in a blood glucose tester . if there is any doubts just check your blood levels when your experiencing these symptoms (being your running slin I'm guessing you already have one of these).
if the above is the issue with going hyper-glycemic on a heavy stack ,, the insulin can actually be of benefit as a tool . but you want to know for sure its that your going hyper , not hypo
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