your running a pretty heavy stack with lots of orals . AAS , and in particular for some reason oral AAS, can have a fairly dramatic effect on blood sugar levels. with some guys going HYPERGlycemic (not hypo), blood sugar is getting too high too fast. a heavy stack can really F up how your body deals with blood sugar and your insulin sensitivity.
if you've ever went Hyperglycemic fast, I have and its not pretty . Got super dizzy, light headed, thought i was going to pass out , starting getting muscle cramps, and my resting heart rate shot up to 160 bpm. Could barely walk , vision got all Fucked up, and a started uncontrollably shaking all over.
i call the ^^ above experience 'anabolic shock' . i was on a heavy cycle and then was taking a shit ton of HGH and Peptides on top of it. It happened 30 mins post injection of peptides post work out and after consuming 130 g of carbs.
invest in a blood glucose tester . if there is any doubts just check your blood levels when your experiencing these symptoms (being your running slin I'm guessing you already have one of these).
if the above is the issue with going hyper-glycemic on a heavy stack ,, the insulin can actually be of benefit as a tool . but you want to know for sure its that your going hyper , not hypo