Lipo 6 Black with Deca 300mg test-e 500 mg


New member
I really need some help with this, i bought Nutrex Lipo 6 Black a couple of days ago and i havnt opened it because i didnt know if i could take Deca and Test-e with it...soo i have been trying to find answers to my question but cant seem to find anything anywhere...

excuse me for being new i just need to find out whether i can take them all together or not..

This is my first cycle of Deca/test im on my 2nd week im trying to lose a little weight and yes i know deca isnt for losing weight its for gaining weight (bulking up) that is why i got Lipo 6 Black.. btw i used to play football in highschool, im not a small guy i used to use supplements during football never had problems with it but i just dont know what to do with taking deca and test...

Height: 5'9
Weight: around 175-180
i dont have a whole lot of body fat but i would like to get thinner..

any information would be greatly appreciated, like i said i havnt opened the bottle yet, if i get a bunch of NO's then ill return it but i thought i would talk to you guys who are alot more experienced then me at this..

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I really need some help with this, i bought Nutrex Lipo 6 Black a couple of days ago and i havnt opened it because i didnt know if i could take Deca and Test-e with it...soo i have been trying to find answers to my question but cant seem to find anything anywhere...

excuse me for being new i just need to find out whether i can take them all together or not..

This is my first cycle of Deca/test im on my 2nd week im trying to lose a little weight and yes i know deca isnt for losing weight its for gaining weight (bulking up) that is why i got Lipo 6 Black.. btw i used to play football in highschool, im not a small guy i used to use supplements during football never had problems with it but i just dont know what to do with taking deca and test...

Height: 5'9
Weight: around 175-180
i dont have a whole lot of body fat but i would like to get thinner..

any information would be greatly appreciated, like i said i havnt opened the bottle yet, if i get a bunch of NO's then ill return it but i thought i would talk to you guys who are alot more experienced then me at this..


Personally I wouldn't put any fat burning supps in my body. I've used them before, and all they do is race your heart bro. If your diet is clean and you do enough cardio, you can lose weight. Judging by your stats i'd say you need to gain some solid lean mass.

Your misconception is that you can "cut" or just lose weight while taking steroids with no added muscle growth. Your weight is just a number. Taking steroids is not going to decrease that number in any way.

As far as your question goes about mixing the two... Im pretty sure most people here on Ology that have any sense, dont buy any OTC supps besides fish oil or bcaa, or protein.
Forged Burner is a safe and effective fat loss drug that uses 6-bromo. I just ordered 3 more bottles. I have used it with and without AAS. I guess I dont have any sense. :flipoffha

I wouldnt use anabolics to "get thinner."