Liver values when on Dbol cycle


New member
So I am two weeks in on a Test 600mg, Deca 400mg and Dbol 60mg cycle and got my first blood work back. I have never done the Dbol before, just planned on a 4 week kickstart to the Deca, and am concerned about the ALT / AST values on my blood work. I figured they would be elevated, but are higher than I would have though. I am taking Purus labs Organ shield and Liv.52 to help support liver function as I know the Dbol would put a lot of stress on it.

Any advice / concerns about where they are at and if I should back the Dbol down a little bit??
Cut the dosage in half. Use 30mg ed split into 2 doses. I don't feel oral aas are worth it. You could add test prop the first couple weeks to you stack and get nice results.

Dbol and drol are off the menu for me now.