Loading creatine for best possible max


New member
I need to max soon and was wondering since the whole reason we take creatine is because its a essential chemical that helps to contract our muscles and help us lift more and longer. Than would it be beneficial to take a shit load of creatine before maxing out to push out a couple extra pounds and reps? Right now i'm on Swolve V.2, but I need to max out soon on a few things (Bench, Incline bench, and Squat) so I was thinking i'd just load up on creatine on top of that like the day before maxing.

I was curious if taking a shit load of creatine before hand if that would help my max's? I don't care if the numbers won't be real and the loading is helping me push a 5 more lbs than i normally can, I just want to know if it would help me or not.

Any ideas? If you think it would work how much do you think it would take to be beneficial and when should i take it before maxing?
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You'd just piss it out.

And creatine doesn't boost your maxes. It can help you squeeza out an extra rep, that's about it.
in all honesty ud be wasteing your time and money... if your going to try and use creatine to get your max up... start takeing it 3-6 wks before hand... then you may see a diff in your max. but its not something you can take for a day and bench extra weight.
faze is definitly right. when i was on creatine, i was kinda taken more then needed to see if i would get more pumped up, but i just pissed it all out.
You all bring up very good points but Insane_man basically said what I was goin for. Our school does max outs like this. We do as much weight as we can for 3-7 reps. Than you do the 1 rep max sheet to find out what it would be. Its a chart that says if you did X amount of weight so many times than your 1 rep max would be Y. i'm sure most of you seen what i'm talking about. So that one extra rep might indeed help me.

I think its worth a try specially since the creatine i'd be using would be some plasmov i have left over.

Am I right?
Are you currently using creatine?

To get the full effect, you need to "load" which is basically saturating the creatine transporter. Say it's tomorrow, there would be little point in taking it now. If you have like a week then that'll be fine.

Also, take it like 15 minutes before with some carbs.

But taking a mega dose after you are already loaded is just a waste.
do the loadup (5grams 4 times a day) 4-5 days then go down to 10grams training days (5 before and 5 after, mixed with dextro and protein) and 5grams on not training days, and i would say you would need to be 2-3 weeks in to get the full effect.
You can try ALA or some other transporter also.
good luck