Logging My All Natural Badass Cutting Cycle

It's that time, folks. Time to bridge into my all-natural cutting cycle. [I never run anything harsher than sarms anyway, so the word "cycle" is a bit of a misnomer.]

Short summary: I finished the Sarmssearch.com triple stack (S4, Osta, GW) a few weeks ago; I've run a pct; and now I'm finishing my PCT and chasing it with a cutting bridge before (potentially) going back to the SS triple stack in mid-June. Lots of verbiage, let's cut to the chase.

Next four weeks look like this:

Post Cycle (Protein Factory) 2 servings ed
Unleashed (Protein Factory) 1 serving ed
HcGenerate 5/ed
Forma Stanzol 7-10 pumps
GW-50 20 mgs (from sarmssearch.com)
N2Slin 4-6 tabs/ed
N2Burn 4 tabs/ed

So you have your standard sarms-pct (Forma + Post), your natural test base (HcGen + Unleashed), and a natural cutting stack (GW, N2Slin, N2Burn).

I'm 6'2'', 220 lbs, 8-10%bf right now. Goal is to keep mass and cut down to 210.

What do you guys think?
Started my natty cutting cycle yesterday. I'm at about 220 and looking to go down in %bf. The GW is the anchor in my ship. Main thing to remember here is that cutting isn't about ********* boosting it's about *spending more time* in the gym. Ie, more reps, more time, slightly lower weights. I'm excited about exploiting the stamina-enhancing effects of GW from sarmssearch.com. GW is insane. You feel like a million bucks all day long. Will keep you posted.