Long ester weight dosing with test/deca


New member
So I've done lots of searching and haven't found a solid thread on the subject, just on the shorter ester testosterones. So I'm doing test decanoate/undecanoate, and deca. Both compounds have around 61-63mg active base per 100mg. So is it really necessary to inject 38percent more just to meet my required doses? I'm doing 400/400mg then increasing to 600/600. I'm gonna go through alot of juice if that's the case.
Ok cool. Because my first cycle I was gonna do over a gram of test to get my 750mg/w but a friend of a friend talked me out of that. Maybe he was right after all haha
Ok cool. Because my first cycle I was gonna do over a gram of test to get my 750mg/w but a friend of a friend talked me out of that. Maybe he was right after all haha
glad you reconsidered bro, when do you start your cycle? have you done bloodworks yet?
He asks because that is part of the protocol that is generally accepted on this site. Without bloodwork you dont know if you have recovered or if your estrogen is too high or too low.

So....bloodwork before cycle (especially first cycle) then bloodwork mid cycle (to adjust your AI) and bloodwork after pct (to evaluate recovery).

I'm guessing you don't use an AI? No hcg either right? Do you blast and cruise or do you cycle? Are you on trt yet?

We all need to know your stats. Age, weight, height, bfp. I could talk and ask questions of you for hours. Lol. Sorry......the "why do you ask" threw me a little. The beginner cycle sticky is a good place for you to start. Read there and you will find most your answers.

Your first cycle sounds like a MONSTER. No ai then either? How were your sides? What were your gains like? If you didn't have significant sides at that dose for a first cycle then I'd find a new source.

Anyway.....in case I don't hear from ya.....take care bro, good luck and God bless
I started 3 days ago. I haven't done bloods and never have. Why do you ask?

Water under the bridge now as that was the only time you'll have your normal.numbers on paper. Helps when sure issues show. Also helps so you can dial into your ai during the cycle.
And helps post pct so you can get back to your starting numbers.
Well as for my stats I'm 30y/o 6'1@195lbs. Between 10-12%bf and I blast and cruise. I am using 12.5mg aromasin EOD, 20mg nolva EOD, and cabergoline 0.5mg twice a week.
He asks because that is part of the protocol that is generally accepted on this site. Without bloodwork you dont know if you have recovered or if your estrogen is too high or too low.

So....bloodwork before cycle (especially first cycle) then bloodwork mid cycle (to adjust your AI) and bloodwork after pct (to evaluate recovery).

I'm guessing you don't use an AI? No hcg either right? Do you blast and cruise or do you cycle? Are you on trt yet?

We all need to know your stats. Age, weight, height, bfp. I could talk and ask questions of you for hours. Lol. Sorry......the "why do you ask" threw me a little. The beginner cycle sticky is a good place for you to start. Read there and you will find most your answers.

Your first cycle sounds like a MONSTER. No ai then either? How were your sides? What were your gains like? If you didn't have significant sides at that dose for a first cycle then I'd find a new source.

Anyway.....in case I don't hear from ya.....take care bro, good luck and God bless
My first cycle I didn't use an ai. I wanted to see how my body responded to the test. I got no sides as far as I could tell. My source is good I always use syn pharma and Newport. My stats I just posted in another reply. My second cycle I did test and dbol. Again no ai thinking my body took it so well the first time. I had nolva on hand for the dbol which I was to late on taking and got puffy nipples. Lesson learned no I always use any required ancillaries. Was happy to learn aromasin lowers shbg which is a bonus.
I started 3 days ago. I haven't done bloods and never have. Why do you ask?

This is something you will regret so badly... (I'm in the same boat...)
It also shows you haven't done your homework on AAS.

Go read the beginner sticky and research bro. Its your body after all... Take care of it... :)