New member
I am 19 years old 6'6" and about 220 pounds. I have previously used creatine and protein and experienced gains in strength but never much size and no gains whatsoever from taking NO2 once(waste of money). I know a lot of you say 1ad and other such supplements are a waste of money but real juice is not an option being that it is illegal and i am going to be a pharmcist and already get tested at work. So I have read up on 1ad somewhat and form what i can tell it seems to work. I also understand it is not converted into estrogen. My concerns come from some of the side effects, can any people who have tried this product give me their feedback on results and sideeffects more importantly. And if any what can be used to combat these sideeffects such as hair loss or acne. I appreciate any advice i can get and any responses are welcome in terms of other options that are not illegal.