Looking at 1-AD.


New member
I am 19 years old 6'6" and about 220 pounds. I have previously used creatine and protein and experienced gains in strength but never much size and no gains whatsoever from taking NO2 once(waste of money). I know a lot of you say 1ad and other such supplements are a waste of money but real juice is not an option being that it is illegal and i am going to be a pharmcist and already get tested at work. So I have read up on 1ad somewhat and form what i can tell it seems to work. I also understand it is not converted into estrogen. My concerns come from some of the side effects, can any people who have tried this product give me their feedback on results and sideeffects more importantly. And if any what can be used to combat these sideeffects such as hair loss or acne. I appreciate any advice i can get and any responses are welcome in terms of other options that are not illegal.:confused:
i'm 3 months away from being 20 and i took 1-ad and it worked so so good. The only side effects from 1-ad i got was being very horny. That was the best side effect.
I stacked 1-AD and cellucor P-6 about 3 months ago, and I only had good effects. No gyno, no testicular atrophy, no nothing except strength and size.
Yellowjacket you seem to be a well respected voice on this website so I was curious why would it be bad for someone of my age to use 1-ad. Like i said before i am 19 going on 20 and 6'6" 220 . If i decide to take them id be taking 1-ad and then 6oxo after. Can you give me some info on whats wrong withthis and what i may experience and maybe even some other options proH or other? thanks
03gsxr1000 said:
Yellowjacket you seem to be a well respected voice on this website so I was curious why would it be bad for someone of my age to use 1-ad. Like i said before i am 19 going on 20 and 6'6" 220 . If i decide to take them id be taking 1-ad and then 6oxo after. Can you give me some info on whats wrong withthis and what i may experience and maybe even some other options proH or other? thanks

Im more concerned about your growth plates, immature organs, unstable endocrine system more than Im worried about you breaking out in acne or losing your sex drive. Losing your sex drive, acne, lethargy, & testicular atrophy are all superficial sides (granted they're derived from internal physiological actions but) there's more to side effects than meets the eye.

So, can you proceed with this cycle and make great gains? Most likely. Will you do permanent damage? Im not one to speculate, but Id wait another year or so to be certain you avoid them. When people say "it will close off your growth plates", please understand that growth of a bone goes beyond vertical growth.

My advice to you is eat like its your job, train like theres no tomorrow and give one of these 'souped up creatines' (ie. Syntrax Swole, SportLab PlasmaVol or SAN's V-12) a try and pack on 10lbs or so (granted diet is in check).

Will you go on with the cycle? Most likely. If you do, best of luck to you and have your 6-oxo or clomid ready for post cycle. 1-Ad is best cycled for 6-8 weeks or 2 4 week cycles. (ie. 4 weeks on, 4 off, 4 back on).

Well I read your response and it does make a ot of sense but my only question would be in terms of 1-ad affecting me neg because of my age. From what I understand around the age of 20 your body is pretty much trhough a lot of the unstable stages that you experience with the endocrine system and other body functions so i am not clear on that. Also i have tried using a good form a creatine befre and experienced moderate gains but to me it seems to be more water weight than anything and once you are off it you tend to lose a lot of your mass. A better diet is most likely something i need to work on, right now i do eat a lot but i should probablly focus on more nutritional foods gram for gram. A couple questions i had are, once you get off a cycle of 1ad and take 6oxo do your levels go back to normal + do you have any idea how big of an effect 1ad has when it converts to "DHT"(I think thats the chem that leads to heair loss) and if so how long after a cycle are these sides carried over? Right now i am about 50/50 on doing a cycle and i just wanna make sure i understand everthing 110% before I decide which way to approach it. thanks anyones comments are appreciated on this topic
03gsxr1000 said:
Well I read your response and it does make a ot of sense but my only question would be in terms of 1-ad affecting me neg because of my age. From what I understand around the age of 20 your body is pretty much trhough a lot of the unstable stages that you experience with the endocrine system and other body functions so i am not clear on that.

Endocrine system USUALLY becomes stable around 21-22. Your liver doesnt FULLY mature until around 24 years old. Growth plates around 20-21.

A couple questions i had are, once you get off a cycle of 1ad and take 6oxo do your levels go back to normal + do you have any idea how big of an effect 1ad has when it converts to "DHT"(I think thats the chem that leads to heair loss) and if so how long after a cycle are these sides carried over? [/B][/QUOTE]

Im happy in the fact that you're asking intelligent questions and if you choose to do the cycle, you're not going into it blindly.....

Hairloss is a concern with 1-AD, if you have a family history of thinning hair.

As for 6-oxo, if used correctly, it will return natural test levels to their normal level.
Alright well you seem to have answered most of my questions. 1-ad does not seem to have that bad of side effects if used prop. I do not have a family history f hair loss so i amglad to hear that, that was one of my main concerns. As for the liver i am not that worried because like to much of anyhting whether it be alcohol drugs or supplements it is bad for your liver. I think what i am going to do is possibly do a cycle fo creatine and a good protein and try to focus my diet first and then if I do not get good enough results i will then proceed to use 1-ad at which time ill ask for the proper usage of it as well as 6 oxo. thanks
1-ad also

I feel like I’m in a similar situation, but I am 20 and turn 21 in 3 months. I've tried to do as much research as I can on 1-AD, and I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to try 1-AD. I just ordered one bottle and I think I’m going to take either 1 cap three times a day or 1 cap twice a day for either a 3 or 4 week cycle (1 bottle). I’ve read a lot of reviews, and some people have seen just as good results from taking only 200mg daily for 4 weeks as others have seen taking 600mg or more daily. I have read that the more you take the more results you get, but I’m assuming that goes for the side affects also. I am scared about the hair loss most because I've read it is irreversible and permanent, but my mother's side of the family doesn't have a problem of hair loss. My grandfather on that side died with a full head of hair. The acne and loss of libido are disconcerting, but I’m hoping that the smaller dosage will help these and the other side effects. I’ve also read some about stacking 1-AD with 4-AD to get even better results and help counteract the libido problem. I’ve just bought 1-AD, a multivitamin, and some 6-OXO because I feel they are necessary, but now I’m just tired of spending money. Besides, I’m not a serious body builder and I’d like to draw the line with what I’m putting into my body. Any advice here would be greatly appreciated. I’d particularly like to know what you guys think about these dosage choices, length of cycle, and recommendations for the 6-OXO cycle after the 1-AD cycle. Is such a small or short cycle of 1-AD worthless or could it help reduce the side affects any? Thanks.