Looking at 'Testosterone Diet', take a look, Discuss.

Loaded Gun

Work In Progress
The Testosterone Diet is designed to be cycled every six weeks or so and it suggests the following sample menu (For 180lb man):

Breakfast: 4 large whole eggs, 1 packet cream of wheat (instant), 1/2 avocado

Morning Snack: 8 oz. container low-fat fruit yogurt, 1 banana, 1 oz. mixed nuts

Lunch: 4 oz. turkey deli meat, 2 slices whole-wheat bread, 1/2 avocado

Pre-workout Snack: 1 scoop whey protein (in water), 2 slices white bread, 1 Tbsp. peanut butter

Post-workout Snack: 1 scoop whey protein (in water), 1/3 cup dextrose or sugar

Dinner: 6 oz. top sirloin steak, 1 cup cooked white rice, 1 cup cooked cauliflower

Evening Snack: 8 oz. cottage cheese, 1 packet cream of wheat (instant), 1 oz. mixed nuts

Totals: 3,369 calories, 197 g protein, 398 g carbs, 111 g fat

Eat enough. The amount of calories you consume each day should be enough to maintain your bodyweight. Lower-calorie diets are associated with lower testosterone levels. Consume around 18-20 calories for every pound of bodyweight.

Eat some fat. Research suggests that when total fat, saturated fat and monounsaturated fat intakes increase, so does testosterone. Choose foods high in monounsaturated fats, like avocadoes, nuts, seeds, olives and olive oil. Red meat and dairy products (not the fat-free varieties) are also good sources of protein and saturated fat.

Drink a protein and carb shake after working out. Consuming proteins and carbs after training has been shown to increase the amount of testosterone that enters muscle cells, where it can increase muscle growth. Take 20-40 grams of whey protein and 40-100 grams of simple carbohydrates post-workout.

Eat plenty of carbs. A higher ratio of carbs-to-protein – somewhere around 2:1 is best – results in higher testosterone levels. Shoot for at least 2 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight
In what way would it need improvement? Total counts, food choices?
It kinda goes against what I have been learning with all the carbs. It says you will lose fat as well as build muscle. I don't know, but I'm currently trying it (loosely).
Only thing is, says to do your heavy lifting to burn sugar stores, then cardio to burn fat; it also says to consume your post w/o within 30 minutes(optimal) or asap after weights. So guess, I gotta switch up my cardio routine. I was thinking cardio morning at gym, evening weights, eat pwo then bike ride at home. I can tell you I haven't been following it to the letter, I have not eaten that many calories.

I have done keto diet before and my weight loss tapered off once I lost 12lbs. Then I just maintained. I hope I can lose fat with this diet, but nice to gain lean.
This diet has to consider th person trying to use it. E. G. If your fat vs if your skinny. I make diets n consult people on nutrition for a living. So the question isnt how i would change the diet. The question is what are your stats and would a diet like this work for u. What are u goals and stats?
Oh ok. Well, I am 31, ~203lbs, ~20%, 5'10''... Goal is to get as lean as I can reasonably. Realistically, I would like to get to ~190, 15%... something like that for now.
That goal is very realistic and no this diet is not the way to get to that goal.