Looking For A Sick Ab Routine

IMO, all you really need are low rep (8-12) weighted crunches and leg raises (maybe occasional oblique work).

All I do is 2 sets of decline situps with a 10# or 25# plate and maybe 1 set of hanging leg raises in the squat rack 2x/wk at the end of workout sessions. Abs are 90% diet and bf%...
One of the mistakes that many people make in abdominal training, is incorporating too many sets of 30 reps or more. Instead, you should stick with a rep range of 10-15 in my opinion. Machines & Cables allow you to do this. Crunches and roman chair leg raises won't as you have to go high-rep for proper stimulation.. Therefore those should be done at the end of the ab routine as burnout sets. NOT at the beginning. Here is an example of a routine:

I. Machine Ab Crunches (seated):

a. 1 warmup set of 15 with a comfortable weight to get the blood flowing to the reigon.
b. 1 set of 10-15 where the last two reps are close to, if not FORCED!

II. Incline Reverse Ab Cruches (legs extended):

a. 2 sets of whatever amount of reps I am able to do up to 15(pause at the top). If I feel I can do more than 15 reps, then I will start to slow down the negative portion of the lift to further fatigue the abs. The rest between sets will be shorter also to allow for the right amount of reps. Maintaining the rep-range is key.

III. Decline Sit-Up:

a. 2 sets of 10-15. Slight pause at the top. Slow on the negative. NEVER fully lockout while coming down. That takes the stress of of the Abs, and is death incarnate to you lumbar reigon

IV. Rope Cable Crunches:

a. 2 sets of 10(pyrimid the weight). Pause at the top of the lift. Never come up to full lockout on the negative.

V. Roman Chair Leg Raises:

1 set of 30. No pause at the top. I like these better when I just rep the fuck out ;)

VI. Ab Roller Crunches:

1 set of 30: Slow reps. Pause at the top.

As you can see, I still do the 30-repetition sets. They are great for a burnout at the end of an ab routine. Abs respond similar to other muscle groups, as far as the amount of reps that will work to properly stimulate growth. That rep range of course, would be in accordance with how you yourself respond to whatever amount of reps. I doubt that anyone responds to a workout consisting of sets made up of 30+ reps as the base of their routine though. You wouldn't that many reps for Chest or Back on your first sets of bench press or Deads. So why Abs? It is a common mistake. If you have any questions about the specific exercises bro, ask away. I'm kinda lit right now, and they may have been a tad on the vague side. Let me know. Skedz.....
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Beast_19_301 said:
jesus skedmez that guy might wanna walk tommorw.
I hope thats not all in 1 day thats pretty fucking tough

I do abs on a separate day actually. It really isn't that tough. The first set in each 2-set group is pretty much the equivilent of a "warmup". Not a warmup like the very first set of machine ab crunches, but certainly far from a workset. Somewhere in between I would say. Second sets are all worksets though. The last two exercises are burnouts.

I like doing Abs once/week on a separate day, since it gets me to the gym that one extra day to burn a few extra cals, ya know? Since I rarely do any cardio, I benefit from being at the gym that extra day. Plus on days like today, where my breakfast was a Baby Ruth, a Clark Bar, a Heath Bar, and 2 Pop-Tarts...I need it. Speaking of "sick routines" eh?!:D:D
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I think 90% is diet is true if your fat, but there is the principle of diminishing marginal returns at work. When your body fat gets real low, ur abs look good, but if you do 'em real heavy, and the muscle begins to really grow, that is when you get the super star abs.
Achilles said:
I think 90% is diet is true if your fat, but there is the principle of diminishing marginal returns at work. When your body fat gets real low, ur abs look good, but if you do 'em real heavy, and the muscle begins to really grow, that is when you get the super star abs.
This is true. That's why I do low rep weighed sets... cockdiesel should too since he is also at low bf% in his pics.

Abs are just a muscle. You can grow them with a couple heavy sets or condition them with lots of high rep volume.... take your pick. Fatties wouldn't want to grow them because they are not visible and the end result would be that they might just look even fatter. Conditioning them is good for anyone though since it improves posture, but I just don't spend much time on abs since they are supportive in most other exercises (deads, squats, cleans, etc), so I make my couple sets of situps each week count with a deline bench and lots of weight.