looking for a solution....for constant delt pain


New member
I am a fbb training for a show...experiencing constant delt/bicep pain especially aggravated by sleeping, lateral raises, upright rows, getting dressed etc... The only thing that seems to help is massage. And that lasts until I go to sleep again. For months I have been icing, moist heat, ibuprofren, tens unit treatment, 3 cortisone shots and more....

An MRI 6 mos ago revealed a alight partial muscle tear in rear right delt. After not working out upper body at all for months, that improved and I was able to lift again strong. I don't believe this is an injury but some type of muscle/ligament/tendon soreness because I still have the strength to lift heavy. Any magic supplements or treatments out there? Any input would be so GREATLY appreciated. I need to figure out a way to get out of pain. please help ASAP!
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