Looking for advice for my first cycle


New member
I decided on LGD 4033 for my first ever cycle. I got Primeval Super LGD on Amazon along with Iron Labs Cycle Support and PCT Extreme.

Any feed back on cycle support and PCT would be greatly appreciated. Are the Iron Labs products sufficient? I have read up on cycle support and PCT but can't find anything that seemed specific for LGD. I have read ton of logs and everyone mentions different ingredients or products.

I plan to only take one tablet a day which is 5mg of LGD for 8 weeks and 4 weeks in PCT. During my 8 weeks on LGD I plan to take the Cycle Support.

I am 5'8" and 232lbs at 20% BF and 37 years old. I just lost 14lbs over 10 weeks doing meal prep but BF didn't change much which is very frustrating. Plan to keep doing meal prep and have my daily calories at 2750, might increase to 3000 on cycle.

Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I definitely plan on doing a log once I start which I plan to do on Monday Dec 7th, this gives me a few days to purchase any additional product based on feedback.

Thanks in advance.
You shopped on Amazon, so you saved a few bucks... I would recommend you take that money you saved & get some real sarms and a real serm for your pct. Not trying to come across as a dick, but your setup doesn't look good. LGD is no joke, depending on your dose and length on, it can cause suppression, to the point of possible shut down.. It's just not worth it.

Sarmsearch.com has some of the best quality sarms available on the market! Use the code FORUM30 to save 30% off your order. Also, during December, for each bottle you purchase, your name gets thrown into the pot for a drawing at the end of the month. The winner gets 1 of Sarmsearch's products for free!! If you buy more than one bottle, your name goes in the hat more than one time, so it increases your chances of winning.

As for the serm, do some reasearch here on the board & it's sponsors and I'm sure you can find what you'll be needing.
A lot of supplement companies have been getting their sarm products tested lately and a lot of them are turning out to just be prohormones causing people liver damage and shutting them down. As of now SARMS are still only sold for research purposes so research companies like SarmsSearch are your best bet.

As for PCT...NEVER rely on an over the counter supplement. No plant extract will work to recover your hpta. Nolvadex and/or clomid for pct ALWAYS.
I decided on LGD 4033 for my first ever cycle. I got Primeval Super LGD on Amazon along with Iron Labs Cycle Support and PCT Extreme.

Any feed back on cycle support and PCT would be greatly appreciated. Are the Iron Labs products sufficient? I have read up on cycle support and PCT but can't find anything that seemed specific for LGD. I have read ton of logs and everyone mentions different ingredients or products.

I plan to only take one tablet a day which is 5mg of LGD for 8 weeks and 4 weeks in PCT. During my 8 weeks on LGD I plan to take the Cycle Support.

I am 5'8" and 232lbs at 20% BF and 37 years old. I just lost 14lbs over 10 weeks doing meal prep but BF didn't change much which is very frustrating. Plan to keep doing meal prep and have my daily calories at 2750, might increase to 3000 on cycle.

Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I definitely plan on doing a log once I start which I plan to do on Monday Dec 7th, this gives me a few days to purchase any additional product based on feedback.

Thanks in advance.

as a new guy here, I understand where you are coming from, but let me break it down like this

reason I am choosing a real sarm company (real meaning that is what they do, they aren't your typical supplement company) is just for the purity alone.

It cost you maybe 45 bucks for that bottle- which also claims to be the strongest, but its not. Other manufactures have add more than 5mg per tablet. but that's another story.

per day, you are looking at about 1.35-1.50 per pill per day- give or take a cent for evil labs
with a sarm company, sarmsearch your looking at almost 4-5 per day for 1 30 day supply

now are you reaping the benefits from evil labs because they are saving "YOU" the customer lots of money?

Obviously no.

if evil is willing to source up and provide lab results showing that each and every one of those 90 pills are 98-99% pure LGD at 1.30 per day, you sir have found the fountain of youth. im not saying they aren't selling lgd, IMHO I don't believe the source is as pure as it can be. it is financial impossible. that bottle alone would cost almost 500.00! . even if a third lab tested it in some place near bum fuk Egypt, theres no test results.

either way you go, I can tell you one thing for sure- browse this forum. ask a question and search for the answer, cant find it, then post the question. I promise you this- trust me cause I just did it- the members here HELP- might get a little warm with a answer but its simply meant to convey it. go to some other places and read the posts and I honestly cringed.

good luck
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