Looking for advice on my cycle. Ive got a question..


New member
So basically i just started my first cycle with one of my buddies, my stats: 5'11, 190lb, 10% bf at 25 y/o.

It is my first cycle so i am trying to stay pretty mild and it is laid out like this.

Test E 500mg weeks 1-12
Dbol weeks 1-6 at 25mg ED
Adex 0.5mg EOD (for the dbol bloat, may change as i figure out how my body is responding.)
N2 guard ED weeks 1-12 (considering continueing through PCT)

PCT- starts week 15
Nolva ED 40/40/20/20 (considering adding clomid, but i have not decided yet if it is necessary, since every one i have spoken to says this cycle is pretty mild even with the dbol)

I have a question though, my Dbol comes in 25mg tabs, but my gym partner had the idea of taking 35mg of Dbol ED for 4 weeks instead of 25mg for 6 weeks, and throwing Anavar into the last part of the 12 week cycle to harden up and tighten our gains before we start our PCT. If i decide to do this i will definitely be adding clomid into the PCT.

i would run the anavar at 60mg ED for weeks 8-12.

Could anyone give some input or advice on whether or not that would be a beneficial switch in my cycle? or if i should just leave the anavar out and keep it simple.

Thank you.
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Why are you running more than one compound your first cycle?

Can you please elaborate on what a "mild" cycle is and why it requires less of a PCT regimen?

You want to run orals for 8+ weeks? Don't you like your liver?