Looking for Advice on post cycle therapy (pct) coming up. Please and Thank you!


New member
Looking for Advice on pct coming up. Please and Thank you!

height: 6'2
weight: 205 (down from 220)

currently on week 8 it"s a cutting cycle


Weeks 1-12 test prop 150ml eod
Weeks 7-13 anavar 60mg
weeks 1-11 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu (e4d)
weeks 11-12.5 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 300iu (ed)
weeks 1-13 armosian 12.5mg

week 13 trptorline 100mcg one shot
week 13.5-19 clomid 100/50/40/20
week 13.5-19 nolva 60/40/40/40

week 13.5-20 igf lr3 50mcg (ed)
week 13.5-30 cjc 1295 without dac
week 14-17 t4 50mcg 3weeks on 3 off

week 1-27 hgh 2ius (5 days on 2 off)

1) Is it okay to run t4 at a low dose during pct since I'm running gh and would like to avoid any potential slow down of thyroid due to gh

2) Is the triptorline overkill combined with the nova and clomid

Please feel free to offer any suggestion/advice, it would be much appreciated!
I would change Clomid to 100/75/50/50 and Nolva to 40/40/20/20...
I'm not real educated on HGH and t4 so no comment
Agree with PCT above
For t4 50mcg will not suffice.
your body already produces twice as much as t3. So makes no sense replacing natural production with lower dose, right?

According to Austinite minimum dose for t3 is 40mcg. Your body needs 4 times as much t4.
So 100mcg of T4 is = 25mcg of T3.

The minimum dose for t4 should be 160mcg.
So you need 160mcg T4 to get 40mcg of T3, hope I didn't confuse you. :)
Thanks for the input Dexter.

I've been doing quite a bit of research in regards to GH and the benefits of running t4 or T3 with it. This will do a better job explaining why.

"T4 & SHBG Association
***8220;Multiple regression analysis showed that the main factors influencing SHBG were BMI and age, except for the hyperthyroid group, where the most important independent variables were triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Partial correlation controlling the effect of BMI and age showed no association between SHBG and the other variables in all groups except for the subclinical hyperthyroid and hyperthyroid, where we found a significant association between SHBG and T4 and T3. The premenopausal or postmenopausal status did not modify SHBG levels. When the patients are taken as a whole, BMI, age, T4, and T3 all have an association with SHBG levels according to the multiple regression analysis.***8221; Again good looking out.

T4 & EXO HGH Association
***8220;In other words, if we have enough to GH in our body aid in supraphysiological conversion of T4 into T3, but we already have the too much (exogenous) T3, the GH is not going to be converting any excess T4 into T3 after a certain point- which would be a limiting factor in GH***8217;s anabolic effects, when coupled with the act that we***8217;ve allowed the D3 enzyme to inhibit the T3/GH synergy that is necessary. As further evidence, when we look at certain types of cellular growth (the cartilage cell in this case) we see that GH induced rises in IGF-I stimulates proliferation, whereas T3 is responsible for hypertrophic differentiation. So it would seem that in some tissues, IGF-1 stimulates the synthesis of new cells, while T3 makes them larger. In this particular case, The fact that T4 and (D1) deiodinase is am active component in this system is noted by the authors. They clearly state (paraphrasing) that: "T4 is is converted to T3 by deiodinase (5'-DI type 1) in peripheral tissues***8230;[furthermore]GH stimulates conversion of T4 to T3 , suggesting that some effects of GH may involve this pathway." The thing I want you to notice is that the authors of this paper state that the that the conversion PATHWAY is probably involved, and not the simple presence of T3. (15)"
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