Looking for Advice on pct coming up. Please and Thank you!
height: 6'2
weight: 205 (down from 220)
currently on week 8 it"s a cutting cycle
Weeks 1-12 test prop 150ml eod
Weeks 7-13 anavar 60mg
weeks 1-11 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu (e4d)
weeks 11-12.5 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 300iu (ed)
weeks 1-13 armosian 12.5mg
week 13 trptorline 100mcg one shot
week 13.5-19 clomid 100/50/40/20
week 13.5-19 nolva 60/40/40/40
week 13.5-20 igf lr3 50mcg (ed)
week 13.5-30 cjc 1295 without dac
week 14-17 t4 50mcg 3weeks on 3 off
week 1-27 hgh 2ius (5 days on 2 off)
1) Is it okay to run t4 at a low dose during pct since I'm running gh and would like to avoid any potential slow down of thyroid due to gh
2) Is the triptorline overkill combined with the nova and clomid
Please feel free to offer any suggestion/advice, it would be much appreciated!
height: 6'2
weight: 205 (down from 220)
currently on week 8 it"s a cutting cycle
Weeks 1-12 test prop 150ml eod
Weeks 7-13 anavar 60mg
weeks 1-11 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu (e4d)
weeks 11-12.5 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 300iu (ed)
weeks 1-13 armosian 12.5mg
week 13 trptorline 100mcg one shot
week 13.5-19 clomid 100/50/40/20
week 13.5-19 nolva 60/40/40/40
week 13.5-20 igf lr3 50mcg (ed)
week 13.5-30 cjc 1295 without dac
week 14-17 t4 50mcg 3weeks on 3 off
week 1-27 hgh 2ius (5 days on 2 off)
1) Is it okay to run t4 at a low dose during pct since I'm running gh and would like to avoid any potential slow down of thyroid due to gh
2) Is the triptorline overkill combined with the nova and clomid
Please feel free to offer any suggestion/advice, it would be much appreciated!