Looking for Input


New member
New to this forum. I googled some of the ingredients of the supplement I'm about to start and found a thread here but the guy was a little overboard. I'd like to get opinions on the topic...
So I'm 36, been healthy and active all my life, sports, military, etc, and I've been back in the gym solid now for a year and a half. I'm 5'11, 150lbs, slender build, never been able to really put on muscle size but fit.
My buddy turned me on to some stuff called sust 250 which I plan on taking 1 pill 2x a day combined with Nitro NCG.

sust 250:
17b-hydroxy-2a, 17b-dimethyl-5a-androstan-3-1-azine 10mg

13ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2, 5(10)diene-17one 20mg

4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1,4-diene-3,17b-diol 20mg

1-Androstene-3b-01, 17-one 25mg

N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) 175mg

Gelatin, Maltodextrin, & Magnesium Stearate (gelcap?)

I'm a newbie with friends who have experience with steroids but not pro hormones so here are my questions and concerns.

Anybody know anything about this stuff directly?

I'm REALLY worried about Estrogen/Aromitization concerns, should I get an estrogen blocker? milk thistle?

A couple of you made it sound like this combination was really bad, liver damage, etc. (lifter 85, DADAWG) Is there something I can add to help?

I'd like to gain about 15 pounds of lean muscle by the end of summer. My buddy used this same combo and had good results with no visible or known side effects so I was taking his recommendation but would like a little more info before I jump off. Unfortunately I don't have a whole lot of time to research as much as I should. Any help you guys could throw at me would be great.

Thanks in advance for any input.
imo,i dont like PH one bit.They can do quite some damage to the body and honestly you'd probably be safer running a all testosterone first cycle.

Thanks! I should've researched first as this is starting to sound like I wasted my money. All I've heard so far is how bad these are so I think I'm gonna trash 'em.