Looking for new supplement


New member
Hey i was just wondering if anyone had some references on any supplements, im looking for something to help me add on lots of weight, im 6'3 and 165lbs ya hella skinny, a year ago i took "spawn" and got up to 185lbs but then stopped working out and lost it all, and i heard spawn was discontiuned, any of you know of any knew supplements that are like this? Plz and thank you
Hey i was just wondering if anyone had some references on any supplements, im looking for something to help me add on lots of weight, im 6'3 and 165lbs ya hella skinny, a year ago i took "spawn" and got up to 185lbs but then stopped working out and lost it all, and i heard spawn was discontiuned, any of you know of any knew supplements that are like this? Plz and thank you

hmm, interesting.
if you get your diet and training in check i would rec Turinabol + Androhard cycle 6 weeks followed by TCF-1, supress-c, and sustain alpha for post cycle therapy (pct). My roommate just ran it and gained 14lbs and kept 12 and got lean and strong as all hell

Hey i was just wondering if anyone had some references on any supplements, im looking for something to help me add on lots of weight, im 6'3 and 165lbs ya hella skinny, a year ago i took "spawn" and got up to 185lbs but then stopped working out and lost it all, and i heard spawn was discontiuned, any of you know of any knew supplements that are like this? Plz and thank you
1) Lots of high quality food
2) Lots of high quality training
3) IC Mass Shake (blender required) - Lipotropic Protein, Spinach, Almond Butter, Blueberries, Strawberries, Brown Rice Flour/Oat Flour
HCGenerate contains 1gram of testofen which is known to have ANABOLIC properties while increasing free testosterone, making your your testosterone more useable.