looking for opinions


New member
hey I am looking for some opinions on where i need to concentrate on I am in Iraq now so my diet is a little tougher to stick to but here are my basic stats. I am 26 5-9 about 225 at about 15-18%bf i think...have been training for 6 years and done 4 cycles...let me know what you think
Good size. Your BF % is a bit higher than you mentioned, but you don't need to do much mass wise. Time to cut and start showing off some of your hard work. Get down to 10% and start showing details. At 205, you'll look much bigger. That and a tan would help of course - but thats the easy part.

Also, where are the wheels? Without big wheels, upper body size doesn't mean squat.

Good work.

my wheels are in good shape its a litle hard to show them here in Iraq, when I get back I will be cutting back for the summer...thanks